My Pick for Governor of New Hampshire

All the republican candidates running this year for governor are great candidates (exception, Sununu, who does not want to answer questions or be seen with us common people), but we can only choose one.

I and many others support Karen Testerman as our candidate for Governor for the September 13th primary. Why, well, listen to the Resolve debate and see how she answered all the questions and especially a critical question of “What is the source of your authority as Governor”?

You will find out she was the ONLY candidate who said first, GOD is the authority, second, the Constitution of New Hampshire, and third, the constitution of the United States. Karen understands our only hope for NH is in God.

We want to thank John Sellers for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

We all need to return to God, ask for His mercy and forgiveness for NH, and rely on Him first and foremost going forward. We as a state and nation have lost track of where we began.

The pilgrims came to America for freedom, and they relied on God for wisdom and knowledge. From there, many years later, we ended up with state and national constitutions (to protect us from tyranny and overreaching governments) from Godly people who created them and voted to accept them.

We, the people, lost track of WHO is really in charge of our lives, politics, and who holds what office and for how long (John 19:11, Jesus answering Pilate said, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above.”). Without God, we have seen what has happened in just a very short period of time.

Polls are just a snapshot taken at one moment in time. Thad Riley can win one poll and Karen Testerman another, they mean little. One moment she’s ahead, and another, he is. Karen has been persistent over the years. Karen will put God back into our vocabulary so we as a state can survive what is coming at us fast and furious. She has the will and courage to lead us during these difficult times.

She never wants to see another mandate put upon us. Karen is well aware of education issues like school funding, CRT, ESL (emotional, social learning will lead to a social credit score, there will be nothing the school/government will not know about your child), and Parental Rights. She is on top of the abortion issue and gun rights. She will do her absolute best to protect the people of NH from our overreaching federal government. She is NH first, then the USA. She wants the people of NH to be safe and free as possible.


The last thing we want to do is split the vote four ways, and Sununu wins by default. We have only a few weeks left to get our ducks in a row, so stay tuned, stay diligent, and let’s vote as a team and win. Even if I have to give up my pick for governor, I will for the team, but It’s my hope, Karen is our pick.



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.
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