We’ve lived for years with Cities, Counties, and States using the euphemism “Sanctuary” for this or that. Like, to proclaim they are “welcoming” and “inclusive” of people who want a better life for themselves and their families.
I am not at all offended by the campaign logo of US Senate candidate (from Maine) Bre Kidman. I find it refreshing. The logo for the Democrat challenger for the seat currently held by Part-Time Republican Susan Collinsis a guillotine.
We won’t take credit for much but when the Transportation Climate Initiate reared its ugly head, we took a baseball bat to it. New Hampshire Dems wanted it, and are prepared to change State law so we can get it. We took them and it to the rhetorical woodshed.
TheNational Popular votewould erase the votes, voices, and the relevance of state like New Hampshire. That hasn’t kept our Democratsfrom trying to do that. The same is true for other states, including our neighbors in Maine.
The Maine State Senate must not like their voters very much. Theyjust chose to join the National Popular Vote, which would erase Maine by turning it into a meaningless (if not incredibly large) county of New York State.
From my inbox: Anyone else find it funny that NH’s loony-left bills mirror Maine’s almost exactly? For the sake of perspective, does anyone else find it funny that Maine’s loony left bills mirror New Hampshire’s almost exactly?
In many of the selected reports, Maine lagged far behind New Hampshire for competitiveness for new industry, tax burden, cost of doing business, workforce education, infrastructure, regulatory environment and labor supply. New Hampshire came in, nationally, as the 15th best state in terms of business climate and taxation — the best in New England, by a long shot. Maine’s average score designated our state the 34th best for business climate, trailing every other New England state except Connecticut.
But the rub becomes apparent when one studies the data.
The annualFamily Prosperity Indexis out and, while New Hampshire didn’t make the Top 10 (it’s ranked #16), the study’s authors did use the Granite State to make their case for more economic liberty vs. reliance on government. They used the case study of New Hampshire and its neighbor, Maine (FPI ranking: #39).
The result of Maine’s dancing with the tax devil in the “blue” moon light? More government, a shrinking private sector, and one of the highest dependency cultures in the nation.
This week, Maine House Democrats sent a clear message that female genital mutilation (FGM) performed on young girls should not be a crime in their state. So much for child abuse prevention.
Will FGM advocates in New Hampshire be taking day trips to The Pine Tree State? Not legally.
It is clear that that the Democrat Party has lost a lot of white men as voter in the last few elections as they have moved to identity group politics where white men are at the bottom of their totem pole (if not totally removed with a dull chainsaw just to make it hurt worse). … Read more
(Daily Signal) In response to the growth in food stamp dependence, Maine’s governor, Paul LePage, recently established work requirements on recipients who are without dependents and able-bodied. In Maine, all able-bodied adults without dependents in the food stamp program are now required to take a job, participate in training, or perform community service. Job openings … Read more
Skip took some time to fisk a letter to the Concord Monitor in which someone named John Andrews complains about the high property taxes in New Hampshire. He notes that across the border in Maine, he’d be paying a lot less in property taxes.
Skip does a great job exposing the fallacies upon which Andrews makes his case, and rightly points out that Maine has lots of other taxes that John never mentions. But he doesn’t have space to show how vast the chasm of the overall tax burden is between Maine and New Hampshire.
It is legal to use firecrackers in New Hampshire (control is at the town level) but illegal to sell them here. In this end of session update, Max Abramson explains how our Democrat Gov. vetoed a simple fix and that one of the biggest opponents to legalizing the sale in NH was a retailer in … Read more
First, Maine passes a new law that told its able-bodied citizens that if they wanted to continue to receive food stamps, WORK! Second, NH decided, thanks to some NH State Senate Republicans, that if our able-bodied citizens wanted to keep receiving Medicaid paid for by NH taxpayers (who are also Federal Taxpayers), well, you can … Read more
This drives the gun control extremists absolute insane. They can’t stand that the safest states in the country are those with the least strict gun control laws.
So what do they do in response? Spend millions of dollars of out-of-state money to push more gun control.
A ballot initiative in Portland Maine to increase the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour failed last Tuesday. What makes this defeat so instructive is that Portland IS the Democrat Mecca of Maine. Forty-seven percent are registered Democrat. Six percent of its voters are members of the Green Party. In the last election for governor … Read more
“To fight against the infidels is Jihad; but to fight against your evil self is greater Jihad.” -Abu Bakr
Portland Maine. 49-year-old Freddie Akoa was found murdered in his Cumberland Avenue apartment on August 11 after family members requested police to conduct a well-being check.
Police found Akoa’s lifeless body with 22 rib fractures, many cuts and bruises all over his head and torso, and a lacerated liver…All injuries that, according to the Cumberland County Medical Examiner, if left untreated, would result in death.
The Portland Police investigation revealed that Akoa’s death likely occurred on Sunday, August 9. Police in court affidavits reveal the presence of three men: