
Maine Is Trying Desperately To Emulate California

Rather than stand on its own merits and create an identity of its own, Maine is working feverishly to be the California of the East Coast. The Progressives who are clustered in the big cities are spending money they don’t have and threatening to lose federal funds by defying Washington edicts. Maine does not have … Read more

Breaking: 3.9M Earthquake Centered At York Harbor Maine

Apx 10:22 EDT we experienced a 3.9 Magnitude earthquake centered in the ocean off the coast of York Harbor, Maine. USGS reports It shook us a bit and the dog barked. I have a friend who lives in York Harbor. They said their entire condo shook. I quick search produced no Tsunami risk at this … Read more

Trump’s Wind EO Means We Can Still Save The Gulf Of Maine

Donald Trump spent several hours after his swearing-in undoing what damage he could from the Biden regime. Hundreds of actions, from the border to ditching the Paris Climate Agreement and the WHO, opening up fossil fuel energy development and putting the brakes on Wind Farm leases. No new leases will be issued, and those in … Read more

Maine Light House screen grab Visit Maine

Maine Dems Realize They Can’t Complete The Grift

Democrats in elected office tend to get bullied into doing what leadership wants, or they get primaried. Using New Hampshire as an example, it has long been the practice of House leadership on the Left to bully and intimidate members who won in more moderate districts to leap left or get the f out. For … Read more

voter id petititons

Grassroots Effort Gets Voter ID One Step Closer In Maine

Maine’s Voter ID for Me movement and The Dinner Table Action Team have achieved another milestone. Boxes of notarized petitions, containing far more than the required number of signatures, were delivered to the Secretary of State this week. These petitions will require the state of Maine to put the Voter ID question on the ballot … Read more

Maine Light House screen grab Visit Maine

Maine Helps New Hampshire Be More Exceptional

Vermont’s Minimum wage rose to over 14$ an hour for the first time on January 1st, 2025. We reported on that give to the Granite State here. It turns out the State of Maine was already meddling in that range as it just raised its rate on J1 from $14.15 to $14.65 per hour. First, thank … Read more

Monument To Honor Fallen Maine State Troopers Close To Reality

Ted Foss is a lifelong resident of Maine and was a 22-year veteran of the Maine State Police after serving in the Marine Corps in the late 50s and early 60s. As a State Trooper, Ted served in Skowhegan, Thomaston, on the Governor Security Detail, Houlton, and the Headquarters in Augusta. Ted is still active … Read more

Melanie Leveque

Would Melanie Move to Maine? I’ll Help Her Pack.

Unless you’re a brand new Granite Stater outside of Wheeler’s district, you ought to be familiar with Ms Melanie Levesque.  While she’s not the only one who voted for an income tax, she’s the one who gets the most bent out of shape when her vote is mentioned.  For those who care to learn more … Read more

Maine Electorate Takes First Step To Securing Their Vote

The Dinner Table, a grassroots PAC created by Maine State Representative Laurel Libby (R-Auburn/ Minot) and activist Alex Titcomb, celebrates a tremendous Election Day victory. It did not involve a candidate but a petition initiative that has been the focus of The Dinner Table for nearly a year. The petition requests the placement of a … Read more

Can Donald Trump Save the Gulf of Maine?

President Trump will cut off all federal support for offshore Wind on day one. There will be no more prop-ups, price supports, federal incentives, discounts, or grants. The Executive Branch will stop writing blank checks to Big Wind with your money. What does that mean for projects in the pipeline? What about all those leases … Read more

Ranked Choice Voting Could Elect a Republican to Congress From Maine

Maine is one of the dysfunctional states that uses ranked-choice voting, but that may be about to change. The incumbent Congressional Democrat in District Two didn’t win outright. The Secretary of State—the same one that tried to kick Trump off the ballot—says Jared Golden failed to get over 50% of the vote, and Ranked-Choice Voting … Read more

Gulf of Maine Wind: Helping to Make Electricity a Luxury at the Expense of The Environment

Much time and no amount of treasure will follow the steamrolling of wind farms into the (fragile) Gulf of Maine. The progressive whiners want what they want. And while there are many environmental reasons to slow down or stop, the biggest problem is … Well, this. I managed to take [Dr. Shahrar Ali] to task … Read more

Last Chance to Speak Out Before the Gulf of Maine OSW Lease Sale

In a little over a week, one of the development projects is being strong-armed and fast-tracked at the hands of New Hampshire’s ‘Developer Class,” and the politicians who aid and abet has its final meeting before the lease sale. The Gulf of Main Wind project. It is a ruling class bucket list project advocates want … Read more

Maine Mass-Shooting Update: So, It Wasn’t the Gun?

The 18 lives lost in Lewiston, Maine, can’t be returned, but the political arguments never die. And while we mourn any needless loss of life, the world that took it is not an accident. Some people did something to borrow from the illustrious Ilhan Omar. Deliberate legal, social, and cultural choices made over years and … Read more

Maine Mayor to Seniors: Try a Reverse Mortgage to Pay Rising Property Taxes

I’d never heard of this loser until today. His name is Misah Pride (sounds made up to me). He is the mayor of South Portland. It’s across the Fore River from North Portland. It is safer than the way Joyce Craig left Manchester, NH (most cities are), is mostly white, picked Biden over Trump in … Read more

It’s Not Just Springfield: Cats Go Missing in Bangor, Maine

I’m not sure if Bangor, Maine, has a Haitian population or an unusual number of homeless who heard the news in Springfield and decided to give it a try, but twenty domesticated house cats have gone missing, sixteen in just the last two months. Animal Control Officer for the Bangor Police Department Trisha Bruen told … Read more

The Gulf Of Maine is For Sale

The Biden Administration is in a mad rush to get offshore wind leases sold just in case Klimate Kamala blows it, loses in November, and the violent uprisings that would follow that don’t result in a change they can believe in. BOEM, the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management, has announced the sale of leases … Read more

Marijuana Cannabis

Has Maine Surrendered to Chinese Weed Cartel?

Today is my 1,400th article published and consecutive day writing, and I wish I had something more upbeat to opine on. Unfortunately, in these crazy upside-down times, we have much to be upset about, and positive stories are yearned for. The Chinese cartel illegal marijuana enterprise continues to evolve, and the two newest elements should … Read more

Jeff Woodburn State Senator Domestic Violence

Jeff Woodburn Gets Himself Into Trouble in Maine

Former Democrat State Senator Jeff Woodburn has been back in the news for trying to dodge a 30-day stint in stir. That was not (it seems) enough drama for him. He took a little trip to Maine, where he coincidentally found himself within shouting distance of his former fiancé. The woman whose arm he bit, … Read more


Lawyers Suing Lawyers In Maine for Violating the First Amendment

Forty years ago, give or take, the State of Maine created a program whose purpose was to create a slush fund to provide legal services to people who could not afford them. Interest earned on Lawyer’s Trust fund accounts (IOLTA) is pooled, and the fund is dispersed to pay for lawyers fees. The Maine Justice … Read more