Yesteryear’s gold fever has a lot in common with today’s environmental fever: each promises a better future. Finding gold, however, gives you the freedom to live the way you want. Moving towards an environmental way of life restricts freedom.
On, “Graphic Depictions of Sexual Acts That Are Made Available to Minor Children…”
There is an excellent clip making the rounds of a woman who testified before Congress on K-12 public schooling. What she said caught the attention of Moms 4 Liberty, who shared it on Instagram, but there is no indication of her name or who she was. I wanted to hear the rest.
Why Can’t Kids Read?
Earlier this month, Seven Days ran a remarkable story titled Too Many Vermont Kids Struggle to Read. What Went Wrong — and Can Educators Reverse a Yearslong Slide in Literacy? It’s long. 5000 words, but very much worth the time.
Our Open Border Gives Us Terrorists And Fentanyl, Not A Problem For Dems
One hundred thousand deaths a year of our young adults and countless more addicted do not get the attention of Democrats. Three years of daily reports of large amounts of Fentanyl tablets confiscated at our former Southern Border and no reaction from the Party of the People – isn’t that what they tell us?
Will Smith Is America’s Masculinity Problem In A Nutshell
It’s almost unbelievable how far Will Smith has fallen in the public eye. In the early 2000s, he was among the top leading men in Hollywood. He personified the adage: “Women wanted him, and men wanted to be him.” But it was all a lie. Twenty years later, his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, openly mocks … Read more
Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary
This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel and the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts I do. My last “normal” meme post. And my last Israel-related one, in which I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.
Who Buys A Luxury Beach Home For $2.75 Million IN CASH? … Joe Biden, That’s Who
It’s called money laundering. Shortly after Hunter shook down the Chinese for millions, Joe buys a luxury beach home for $2.75 million IN CASH. There ALREADY is enough to have impeached Joe dozens of times over. But who are the GOP “leaders” telling us is the “real enemy” … Matt Gaetz and the other actual … Read more
2023: NH Ranked Safest State in the Nation, Again!
I wasn’t looking for any recent state rankings or research on crime and safety, but Massachusetts has responded to the Bruen decisions with restrictive legislation meant to “display an unwavering commitment to ensuring that Massachusetts remains one of the safest states in the country.”
Is America On Life Support?
I have always been an ardent believer in democracy–The dictionary defines democracy as the rule of the people. Even at its best, “democracy is the worst form of government except for all the rest,” according to Winston Churchill. Is democracy a terrible form of government?
Supporters of “Palestinians” Have Free Speech Rights Too!
Without wading into the numerous points surrounding the debate about a thing called ‘Palestine,’ or any “people” alleging indigenous status, or who did or started what, when, and why – we’ve plenty of that just about everywhere – there is something else to discuss.
Election Laws Have Been Changed without Our Consent
What is the role of the Supreme Court at the state or federal level? The U.S. Supreme Court’s official website says, “First, as the highest court in the land (or state), it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. Second, due to its power of judicial review, it plays an important role in ensuring that each branch of government recognizes the limits of its own power.”
College of Physicians Reccomends MAiD for Children Up to a Year Old
My apologies for revisiting this topic so soon, but this was impossible to pass—the grotesque institutionalization of post-birth abortion as a kindness. Ethicists have long proposed letting parents end their young children, but ‘experts’ are asking permission to call it assisted suicide.
Back in August, Steve Counseled This: “If You Support Mike Pence You Should Maybe, Probably Stop …”. And?
Back in August, Steve counseled this: “If You Support Mike Pence, You Should Maybe, Probably Stop …“. Me, too, by the way. The result? Too many of you listened, heard, and took that advice (heh!).
Music And Friends Were A Needed Relief
The last few months have been stressful and frustrating as a conservative American. Actually, the previous three years have been challenging for anyone who loves this country and is angered by Joe Biden. He and the Democrats continue to make bad decisions that are turning every aspect of American Life to mush.
A Broadside Against The Division of Children, Youth and Family (aka DCYF)
Notice and Demand NH DCYF to Follow Due Process of Law – Legal Notice and Warning. To: Lori Weaver, Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Representative Leah Cushman.
Sun-King Chris Sununu Supports Racial Sacrifice
Do you remember Sun-King Sununu’s reaction when Derek Chauvin was convicted of murdering George Floyd? He celebrated the conviction and called it justice:
I Can’t Say That I Wouldn’t Have Had the Same Thought Myself …
You’d consider this an outright challenge, yes? It’s just begging you to try it. And this may be one of the reasons why TMEW has never entertained the idea of letting me get a motorcycle.
Event Updates – New Speakers, Lots of Vendors, Dirt-Cheap Gun Raffle Tickets, and More …
Saturday, Oct 28, is shaping up to be a beautiful Fall day, with great weather, speakers, table vendors, food, free speech (a gun raffle), and conversation. All that’s missing, as they say, is you, and we’ve got some updates we hope will encourage you to join us.