Back in August, Steve counseled this: “If You Support Mike Pence, You Should Maybe, Probably Stop …“. Me, too, by the way. The result? Too many of you listened, heard, and took that advice (heh!).
Emphasis mine, reformatted:
With three months to go before the Iowa caucuses that he has staked his campaign on, former Vice President Mike Pence faces mounting debt and lagging poll numbers that are forcing questions about not only whether he will qualify for the next debate, but whether it makes sense for him to remain in the race until then.
The former Veep is in the second tier of Republican candidates at 3.8% in the aggregated RealClearPolitics polling as of Saturday. In contrast, Trump is at 59.1%
Pence ended September with just $1.18 million left in his campaign account, a strikingly low number for a presidential contest and far less than his rivals, new filings show. His campaign also has $621,000 in debt — more than half the cash he had remaining — and is scrambling to meet donor thresholds for the Nov. 8 debate. While he would likely meet the debate’s polling requirements, Pence has struggled to gain traction and is polling in the low single digits nationally, with no sign of momentum.
Former President Donald Trump, meanwhile, is leading every one of his rivals by at least 40 points in national polls and ended September with $37.5 million on hand.
Let’s face it – the electorate, thus far, is not enamored with an Establishment GOP guy who folded like a cheap suit when the pressure was applied (by the militant gays and corporations that threatened him after he signed the Indiana Law that protected religion).
I understand that he’s a nice guy in person, but I want a brawler out in front of me. Not the living physical embodiment of a cartoon character, Race Bannon, who doesn’t measure up, doesn’t live up even to the cartoon with respect to courage.
There are always those who linger too long in politics, just like former stars in athletics who stay in the game well after their prime. Yes, some for the money, but others still believe they’ve “got it” for one more go-round until Life cleans their clock. Finally humbled, they are forced into retirement.
Pence should take a hint. So should Asa “Who? Why?” Hutchinson at 0.4%.
And WHY is Sununu, given his “Anyone with >5% polling approval should drop out,” still squiring around Chubs “I’m Establishment too!” Christie.Christie. Is it because he is another Never-Trumper? Can there be any other reason?
HT | Associated Press