Night Cap: Carla Gericke, what is the most important thing that GraniteGrok has brought to NH?

by Skip

As you folks already know or remember, last October, we had our first Groktoberfest for Conservatarian (Conservative & Libertarian) activists to do what political folks do – yak, eat, shoot some guns (‘natch – held at the Londonderry Fish and Game club), and listen to a few people tell us their stories…

…and yak, yak, and yak some more. Even though some view politics as rather boring and irrelevant, activists hold quite the opposite view. To the point that the “main events” fade into the background as the yakking just continues.

Again, at the event, I announced my semi-retirement (surprising to me – I didn’t even know I was going to do it!) from the ‘Grok I had founded 18 years ago due to family issues that HAD to take priority. And in doing so, I turned over everything over to Steve knowing that it would be in the best of hands – I was not disappointed.

Sidenote: And that is the reason why I am taking this opportunity to ask you to donate to GraniteGrok. We are all volunteers, but with Steve’s full-time job gone away, this is the opportunity to keep him and all the time he puts in with his wit, wisdom, and dry humor full-time in a paying position. We were lucky with his old job – nooks and crannies of time always showed up, and he spent it spinning up post after post. However, if he has to look for another full-time job, there’s no guarantee that he’d have the same amount of time for you all to enjoy.

Thus, my keyboard went silent until deciding that things had calmed down enough so that I could resume this hobby obsession (much to the dismay of some, I bet).

So, seven months later, Life is allowing me the time to process some older videos and start putting them up on Rumble (Steve, during my absence, decided on Rumble instead of YouTube—I’m good with that even though I have to learn a whole new system).

Given that Groktoberfest was about GraniteGrok and the 18 years that we’ve been serving NH, the micro-interview question was:

“What was the reason all these folks returned, time after time after time, to read our opinions, hear about our political activism, and ride along with investigations we had done over the years?”.

Short and to the point:


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