Night Cap: Electoral Compact or Horrific Progressive Power Grab?

Maine just became the 17th state in the nation to sign onto an electoral compact to reward the national popular vote leader, leaving Maine, New Hampshire and many other smaller states at the mercy (or lack thereof) of big blue states like California and New York.

National progressive activists and lobbyist firms hate the Electoral College, and they make absolutely no attempt to hide their disdain for the only institution standing between free and fair elections and national elections decided solely by New York City and Los Angeles County.

As a lifelong voter in a state of 1.4 million people, it scares me to death to think that ultra-progressives could void our votes in ONE county in ONE state.
Imagine it, folks! EV mandates from Gov. Newsome, lawless city streets like we see in Chicago, and mandatory jail time for misgendering an LGBTQIA+ person.

We want to thank Richard H Littlefield for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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That is what we have to look forward to after we lose our rights to an opinion, a voice, and a vote.

As a New Hampshire State House Candidate in 2024, I want to personally promise Grok readers in the Laconia area, as well as the entire state, that I will NEVER vote for the Live Free or Die state to join this horrific ultra-progressive power grab.

I would hope that every single republican candidate for office in the upcoming election would stand tall and come out against this publicly and proudly.

If you have any questions or would like to share your concerns, please feel free to email me at, and I will respond promptly.

Vote Littlefield For Laconia.
Hon. Richard H Littlefield
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