Night Cap: Voter ID For ME Is Half Way Home

Voter ID for ME is a petition initiative driven by The Dinner Table to get the Voter ID question on the ballot so the people of Maine can decide the fate of requiring an ID to cast your vote in The Pine Tree State. On June 11, over 350 volunteers manned the voting locations across the state to gather signatures on the petition and had an amazing, successful day.

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Unhinged Democrats

Wake Up Maine Democrats, This Is Not Your Parent’s Party

It is not easy, and it may be very uncomfortable, to change your political affiliation because you finally realize that it is not you who is leaving the Party, but the Party has left you. I grew up in Massachusetts, where everyone joined the Democrat Party at birth. Those many years ago, John Kennedy personified the Democrat Party.

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qurstions question marks image by qimono pixaby

Democrats Have No Understanding Of Second Amendment

 A wake begins on Long Island on Thursday for Officer Jonathan Diller, who was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop last week in New York City. The alleged shooter has 22 previous arrests to his credit. Can we drop the alleged and call this as it is? The shooter is a cop killer.

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Unhinged Democrats

When Will The Insanity Stop

Maine politics is not dull in this new Liberal era for The Pine Tree State. Every week, we see a different Progressive attempt to outdo the previous outlandish piece of legislation. When you look at the range of laws passed, starting with the legalization of Marijuana in 2016.

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Blank white paper original Photo by Elena Joland on Unsplash

Is Deceit Necessary To Pass Bills?

The Maine Legislature is helping to increase Mainers’ distrust and skepticism of their elected officials. The Democrats are using “placeholders” to hide the true intention of a bill and buy time to finalize the details of the legislation.

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Do Not Let The Electoral College Fade Away

You cannot get through a day without hearing a politician cite a threat to our Democracy. This statement is factually incorrect. The United States of America is not, and hopefully never will be, a Democracy. Our forefathers protected our individual states by creating America as a Constitutional Republic.

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