Stepping Back To Regroup

Jim Bowman

Dare we turn this recent embarrassment, when our American senses, awareness, and skeptical nature slipped away, into a useful learning exercise? We need to fall back and regroup so as to refresh our thoughts and dormant loyalties. Given today’s circumstances, this may be more of a pressing need than a leisurely pastime.

Roughly four years have passed since those inherent traits were put on hold and when the Chinese virus immobilized our thoughts and actions through ample doses of fearful messaging and warnings. This look back shows how fear must have numbed our senses as obvious contradictions were ignored.

Contradiction one, attention and then vaccines were directed to the least vulnerable, America’s younger school-aged students, and all the while, Americans knew that they were the most immune! Even schools and churches were indefinitely closed, which altered many family routines.

Number two, it was a period when free Americans were semi-ordered to mask up for protections that were improbable with such papered gimmicks. In time, this exercise also developed a political preference since it was assumed that the wearers were more considerate of others than were the non-wearers, who were considered to be of that brutish MAGA crowd! Also, another division of our people was expertly insinuated and achieved.

Number three, few thought to compare the death toll from our annual flu seasons when the absence of mandates versus those imposed by this Chinese “gift” was so glaring. To offset such differences, medical officials began to slap the “covid tag” as a cause of death upon anyone with the slightest exposure, even those from traffic accidents!

From this episode came the knowledge to not let go of a winning formula, so these weasels are busy working and plotting since four years have passed, and another Trump election is an imminent threat! So, is it any wonder that although it’s a different field, the game remains the same?

Not to disappoint, Washington’s current hoax also contains contradictions of the same unbelievable sort. Virus aside, now it’s the environment that needs saving. Such is the arrogance of man! Alas, behold our savior, the electric vehicle! Or simply, the “EV.” Like the last hoax, contradiction number one follows.

This first one is so absurd that one wonders how it was even considered! Let’s bypass the huge hit to our dangerous national debt totals, this one is insanely irresponsible since gas is cheaper and has been proven over time. Aside from the debt, how about the need for an endless stream of charging stations all along the roadways; this in response to the brief running time and short distances between charging. What a deal!

Number two is the time required to recharge batteries versus filling the tank! In this push-button instant gratifying culture, tempers might be slightly on edge since instead of minutes, it’s now hours! Another deal! Brilliant!

Number three is the humdinger of contradictions. How about the energy sources for all these charging locations, which will be fed from oil and coal-burning plants but more numerous than before? An honorable mention goes to the potential for garage fires caused by these Chinese time bombs! It’s funny how China seems to be at the center of these hoaxes.

A view of America’s future landscape is seen with what appears to be miles of wind turbine fields that were formerly farms—again, these are also manufactured in China! Also sprouting up are the concentrations of such wind-generating areas off America’s northeastern coast, all of which have and will continue to reduce wildlife and associated fisheries.

We are being led to the slaughter, and nobody seems to be aware. Slowly, our national options are being reduced, as are our individual ones! At this point, our claim of being an American is only based upon our birth, which is being cheapened from illegals walking onto US soil prior to birthing!

The previous two examples should never have occurred, given the obvious contradictions involved! We have been infiltrated, and the only remaining freedom lies within us. Still, this is what inspired our Founders to greatness and is America’s one remaining fortress: our thoughts and loyalties for a free and independent America! Let’s do it; let’s step back, prioritize and regroup! After all, aren’t we all just a little sick and tired of being played for jerks by those that we elect?


  • Jim Bowman

    Originally from Philadelphia, Jim is a widowed Vietnam vet, father of two (son & daughter), three grandchildren, a retired boilermaker, and an op/ed writer for approx 35 years. He has two published books  -Our American Being, Righteously Free, and 2011’s The Roar of Ours.

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