Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Please do recall – most memes are posted in order of download.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





“The ultimate authority … resides in the people alone. … The advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation … forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any…”
– James Madison (1788)



Available here (though you have to adjust filter settings from SAFE to PG-13):

Show why you own guns! They’re TYRANT VACCINE. Bumper Sticker | Zazzle











And this is why the Dems seem so desperate to pass it – and doubtless a lot of the GOP as well.  Call it Silencing of the critics.




Not just that, but if you were injected pre-1986, you were getting vaccines that were subject to liability suits and, therefore, theoretically more watched for safety issues than today’s stuff.



Fire up the woodchippers.




Inspected by WHO in… ENGLAND???







Embedding two of my essays from my old blog.  Apologies for the somewhat cumbersome reading; I PDFed them off to preserve them as I closed the blog down.  Links don’t work, alas.  But hopefully the text carries through well enough.

The first, on humans being hardwired for faith.


E Hardwired for Faith


The above applies to Climate Change, and also The Jab.



The second, about elections and how we need to make a clear differentiation between us and the Left.


E Ethnic Food and Elections
















Nothing to do with her body being dangerous.  It’s the potential accusations coming from her mouth that are the problem.  For all that I now despise Mike Pence, his rule about not having a one-on-one meal with a woman, any woman, makes sense in these times.




When I started working professionally, it was a 40 hour week, with more hours if there was a genuine need for that.  Nowadays, it seems like 50 is the new 40, with 12 hour days not unheard of as a normal thing.




America’s and Europe’s output could fall to flat-out zero, not “net zero” but actually zero – and it wouldn’t make any difference.










Read these.  And then ponder: do you REALLY think you’re going to vote your way out of this?  Spicy time approacheth.  Find your steel; the avalanche has started.










Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


Dr. David Martin: Almost 20 years ago the spike protein was known to be bioweapon – The Expose (

They’ve been planning this for a long, long time.  Related:

Both Pfizer and GSK (Glaxo Smith) RSV vaccines now shown to be linked to Guillain-Barré Syndrome; SHARYL ATTKISSON’s report is shocking “CDC Preliminary Analysis: RSV vaccines for seniors linked to (

Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines (

IIRC he died within a few months of this speech.  How… conveniently coincidental.

COVID-19 injections can damage your heart, your brain, your reproductive tissue, and your lungs.” (

Stunning claims of whistleblower need to go viral (

Though – details omitted – a Telegram contact said he was FOR Jabs and claims that it was only after the “tides had turned” that he switched.

CDC Not Investigating Chronic Disease Epidemics Linked to Childhood Vaccines (

Video, about 7 minutes.  Absolutely criminal.

Australia Signs WEF Treaty To Close ALL Major Banks and Switch to Fully Cashless Society – The People’s Voice (

Open for discussion: how to resist this?

Poll: Almost a Third of Americans Say the First Amendment Goes ‘Too Far’ (

When freedom dies, it will die with cheers.

Media Tries To Start Race War Over Cops Killing Black Kid Swinging a Shovel (

No matter how much you hate the enemedia, it isn’t enough.  Enemedia related:

The fake news about Trump’s ‘bloodbath’ speech – spiked (

Media Runs Hoax Trump Said There Would be a “Bloodbath” if He Loses Election – modernity

Tim Young on X: “Here’s 2 straight minutes of leftists using the term bloodbath… I guess they’re all threatening political violence.” / X (

The Media’s BLOODBATH HOAX Is Their BIGGEST LIE YET! | Larry Live! (

Control the information flow and control what people believe.

Our Invisible Chains, Our Stolen Vote (

Anatomy of the 2022 Steal, Part 2 – by elizabeth nickson (

More and more I am concluding TINVOWOOT.  Now, if there actually is an election – and honestly I’ll be surprised if there is – I will vote.  But I don’t expect it to actually amount to anything.  TPTB will work to make sure Trump doesn’t get in, one way or another.  Related:

Welcome to 2024: The Last Year of America? (

“I’ve Changed My Mind”: Swedish Open Borders MP Makes Complete U-Turn – modernity

OOH, better late than never.

OTOH, the damage is done.  These invaders will not go quietly.  But they do need to go.

More on migration / borders:

Supreme Court Extends Freeze of Texas Law Authorizing State Police to Arrest Illegal Aliens | National Review

The Forgotten History of the World’s First Trans Clinic | Scientific American

This is a very uncomfortable subject, because under normal circumstances I decry even the idea of burning books.  But I’ve been learning about the sexual degeneracy of the Weimar Republic after WWI.  And this perversion prompted a backlash among the normal German peoples under a strongman who promised to clean up the filth.  Those books that were famously burned were LGBTQP stuff from that first transsexual clinic.

Sexual Restraint Helps Cultures Flourish, Immorality Brings Decay, Researchers Find (

Fascinating.  But it makes sense to me.  And, shamelessly, here are three essays that – together – cover the above and more.  From my old blog:


Ignoring Hashem’s Wisdom parts 1-3


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 1


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 2


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 3


And I prominently mention my essays “Cultural Ion Thrusters”; there are four of them  If people comment YES, I’ll include them in Friday’s post.










There are some that are conservatives but still skeptical about Trump.  That’s fair.  But… short of armed revolution (which may happen anyway, alas) what’s the alternative?



One of the biggest tools in a con, insofar as I have studied it, is to make the mark feel special and unique and superior.  Sounds like, for example, the Jab and making people feel superior and pro-science and all for taking it.






It truly amazes me how people who have never known actual hardship in their lives can so diss people who grew up in Communism and know what it actually is.





And I think that’s one of the issues: people don’t really want to think their fellow man is capable of that any more.














On the plus side, many are Jabbed and boosted.



Used to have his autographed picture.  Can’t find it.  🙁










Pick of the Post:



Damning if you think of it.  NOTHING says “Safe and effective” like avoiding an independent review and evaluation of your product.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.





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