Tell Me Again Joe, Which Wars Are Good Wars?

by Op-Ed

Are you good with spending U.S. tax dollars for drone strikes in Sudan? There was a specialized drone operated in the African country of Sudan. It turns out that Special Forces from Ukraine might be the ones pulling the trigger on those strikes.

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A drone that has been seen frequently in Ukraine but not outside that theater of war. Well, not up until now. CNN is reporting those drones were actually operated by Ukrainians in Sudan.  Yes, Ukrainians are operating killer drones in Sudan. And why would they do that?

They want to target the Russian paramilitary operation operating in Sudan called the Wagner Group. The Wagner Group operates in African countries like Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Sudan.  Wagner agrees to provide military services to these countries, and in exchange, Wagner gets gold, diamonds, oil, and some cash.

The Ukrainians are rumored to be taking their fight against those Russians. If they can bog down the Wagner Group or the Russians in Africa, then Moscow might have to send more fighters there instead of sending them to the front lines in Ukraine.

CNN has some great video of Ukrainian racing drones blowing up some of Wagner’s allies in Sudan. The dead are part of a rebel group called the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

The Sudanese Army originally took credit for those drone strikes on some RSF positions, but we now have a bit more color to the story. Maybe the credit should be spread around a little bit to include some Ukrainian Special Forces operators.

What does that mean, and why should we care? The War in Ukraine just took a very interesting and dangerous turn as Ukrainian President Zelensky is traveling to New York and Washington DC.

He spoke yesterday at the United Nations. Today and tomorrow, he will meet with Biden and Congress. He’s expected to ask for another $24B on top of the $66B we have already given to him. This is all deficit spending.

So what do you think? Should we be doing more deficit spending for a proxy war with Russia in Africa? What do you think the Mayor of New York and the Governor of Massachusetts have to say about this? We have an open border and have welcomed over 7 million illegals, whom we cannot afford to house, feed, clothe, educate, and provide healthcare.

We cannot take care of the people here… in America. And we are spending tens of billions in Ukraine at a clip? …So they can expand the Biden proxy war from Ukraine to Africa? Hey, just asking… Common sense says this is questionable decision-making. Tell me again, Joe, why did we get out of Afghanistan?


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