For years we’ve been told that Renewables are THE answer to all the Greenie prayers (who or what they’re praying to or for remains a mystery). All we have to do is spend TRILLIONS of dollars to buy all this stuff from the Chinese, and then we’ll be all set…oh wait.
Germany has done that – their electrical prices have shot sky-high, and energy was rationed. Now, “Confronted by a toxic cocktail of high energy costs, worker shortages, and reams of red tape,” German companies are starting to head to the exits.
This, too: “They replaced decarbonization with deindustrialization.”
And then there’s California:
We’re finally having a summer heat wave out in California, after, it should be noted, an extremely cold summer so far, but that won’t slow down the climatistas. The chart below of California electricity sources as of 7:30 pm this evening is a little hard to de-cypher, but if you study it a bit you can see how crazy California’s fetish for wind and solar power is.
First, the inverted u-shape curve is wind and solar power, which spikes huge in the middle of the day. So much so, in fact, that we have a surplus of power that we export to other states (and may even pay them to take, though perhaps not on a region-wide hot day like today). See the red line at the bottom which is labeled “imports,” and you’ll see it goes negative mid-day, but we start importing power from other states again in the evening. If tonight is like last night, overnight we’ll be importing ~5 GW from other states.
…Natural gas (the orange line) has to double output to fill the gap, which means that wind and solar power actually have the real world effect of locking in natural gas production. This the greenies refuse to grasp.
I would prefer to say that last bit as “they don’t want to admit it or let you know this ‘issue'” exists.” They will not be so inclined to say, “Yep, NatGas saved our collective butts yet again.” It can happen – REs capacity rose in Texas, and their heat wave, REs made a significant difference – as long as the Sun was out.
Everything is always roses and unicorns with them – like the transgenders, there can be no dissent from their Narrative. But, there it is – actual data laying out exactly what most of us that follow this even superficially know – we’re rushing headlong into a wall of their making. The problem is, WE will be paying the price for their follies and overarching ideology.
Long term, does it make sense? Probably. Collapsing the time frame – a disaster in the making. We, as voters, need to make it clear to our elected representatives AND employees (re: the Administrative State) that we should be making that time frame determination for ourselves.
In the private sector – not the Government sector.
HT | Powerline