About that Drag Queen Story Hour at the Conway Public Library Last Friday…Part 2

by Skip

Steve has been doing yeoman’s work on this story (here, here, here, here, here, and here) that so much of the history is now known. Then I got a call from one of the residents asking if I could show up for the morning Drag Queen reading / poke-in-the-eyes show at the Conway Public Library.

A second one was to be held later on in the day at the Pope Library in N. Conway. I had previous appointments/activities, so I demurred. However, it turned out that I was able to give that person a couple of ideas and tactics. While all the clips are outside (still waiting for more video to come in), it does show two things:

  • A bureaucrat deciding that HE can make stuff up about denying entrance- but can’t legally justify his blithering.
  • The illogic behind the Trans movement – while the movement is continually yammering about discrimination, they have no problem in actually discriminating against others. Hypocrisy much?

Heh!  I’ve always held that when I grew up, I didn’t want to grow up. My critics would agree that I never have so WHY did Director David Smolen, given that this was a “Pride” event, discriminate against a TransAgist?  Aren’t people now able to define their identities any way they want? That’s what the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ/Alphabet Mafia wants for what THEY are demanding – but are they unwilling to support other “marginalized people”?

This TransPerson identifies as a 12 year old and wanted to listen to “Reverend Yolanda” reading “cutsie” books. Hater, that Drag Queen, Director David Smolen, and Christopher Bellis (Cranmore Hotel, N. Conway) for not being true to their movement and allowing her entrance to the event! Discrimination!

And just because I can, here’s what I put as the description of the video on our YouTube Channel:

This past Friday, the Conway (NH) Public Library was the host of a Drag Queen childrens’ Hour event. Even reserved a room!

And then the Director David Smolens decided, because it was Pride Month (that includes Trans People, right?) that only those with children were allowed entrance. Something about a library being a “limited forum facility” like a courthouse. Even the gay guy wouldn’t allow a transchild into the library (with his foreboding looking Mr. Muscle?).

And I bet the elected Representatives called “Trustees” (whose Code of Ethics basically hand the key off to Smolens, effectively distancing themselves from any “ownership” of the programs Smolens puts on) aren’t going to get closer than a 50 yard measuring tape on this one.

Why else would they not put their contact info on their Library page?

And just because I can, here’s what I put as the description of the video on our YouTube Channel (Please subscribe!)

Speaking of our YouTube channel (over 4,000 videos!), please subscribe!


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