Questioning Drag Queen Story Hour in Conway Results in Threats, Smears, and Intimidation

Steve MacDonald

The threats of violence and intimidation started before the meeting ever began. Shorty after both GraniteGrok and Cornerstone announced the Library Trustees meeting in Conway someone posted this.

Payten Vincent - Left wing Violence


I asked people to question the Trustees respectfully, and the response is to threaten physical violence.

More of that good lovin’ from the tolerant left.

People did go. They did seek answers. They got irony. 

The Trustees of the Conway Public Library do not seem to know very much. I thought the library was a place to learn things? Sorry, they did learn some things. 

No one in charge is quite sure who the scheduled drag queens ‘Mimi’ and ‘Crystal’ are or how they got booked for that event. 

A suggestion that background checks might be in order resulted in a statement about that not being policy. A trustee suggested that this policy could be reviewed but that might discrimination. No, we wouldn’t want men who dress up as women to influence children to be subject to any scrutiny.

One of the Trustees went on a rant about how neo-nazis could storm the streets and the folks assembled would not protest that. Because when you refuse to answer people’s questions, the best course of action is to call them racists and compare them to Nazis. 

For the record, I think they would object to this.

“Neo-Nazi Story Hour captures the imagination and play of the ideological fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly National socialist role-models.”

That’s the blurb for the Library event altered to make the point. I wonder if the Trustees would insist om background checks on those “performers”?

Someone in a MAGA hat was framed as a white supremacist which is interesting. He’s labeled for wearing something but citizens concerned about men dressed as women, a group which includes identified child predators, is discriminatory and bigoted. 

Would the Lefty Library react in the same way to concerns expressed by Muslim parents?  I’d like very much to see that exchange. I bet it would be a learning experience.

Note: A right to know request submitted two weeks ago remains unanswered and no one walked away from the meeting last night with any of their questions answered. What is the Library trying to hide?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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