Conway Library Trustee Meeting Tonight – Opportunity to Talk About Scheduled Drag Queen Story Hour

The Conway Public Library Board of Trustees has a meeting tonight. It’s at 15 Greenwood Ave in the Library Meeting Room beginning at 5 pm. If you have concerns or comments about the upcoming Drag Queen Storytime event, this would be the opportunity to voice them.

As a refresher,

The Conway Public Library is hosting a Drag Queen Story Hour. If you didn’t know, “Drag Queen Story Hour captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity in childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

David Smolen Drag Queen Conway exchange

That may not be something you think the public library should be promoting. I don’t disagree. There have been instances where child predators have used these events to gain access to children. That’s not saying all Drag Queens are child predators. It is stating a fact. The opportunity it presents has and will be abused.

Communities each, in turn, should address that and every other concern about exposing children to anything that comes along or is pushing a specific agenda.

So, I encourage Conway parents and residents to attend if they can. As always, be respectful. Be prepared. And whatever happens, do not allow event supporters – if to accuse you of bigotry or any other emotional argument to silence your opinion.

Make sure to politely and where necessary firmly make your case.

Updated: This just in: a tolerant left alert! … (what is it with Liberals and bats?)

Payten Vincent - Left wing Violence

Quick point on the above. Is it not bigoted to assume that all Drag Queens are Homosexual? Asking for a friend.

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