USS Raleigh Burning NH State Flag

More Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest in NH YDC Cases?

David Vicinanzo and Nixon Peabody have been out soliciting clients for the YDC cases for several years. He never mentioned that his son, Matthew Vicinanzo, clerked for Jeffrey Howard on the First Circuit, who was AG of NH during the time when David Meehan and others were being abused at YDC.

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Night Cap: Fascism Starts With Censorship

If you have followed along with what is happening in Brazil, you might start reflecting on what is going on in New Hampshire and see how fascism starts. It’s not a left versus right problem, even if it ends up resulting in far-right totalitarianism. It’s a problem that spawns from a need to control the narrative to cover up gross corruption—kleptocracies.

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Conflicts of Interest, Public Corruption, the YDC and DCYF

This is an assertion of a history of racketeering and Ponzi Schemes relating to the attorneys and non-profits involved in the YDC cases. Attorney General John Formella sought $100 million of public funds to pay for claims against the State for victims of YDC abuse. David Vicinanzo states that he was one of the lead attorneys to seek it.

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Magnifying glass eye scrutiny transparency spying

The Strange Case of Alex Talcott

Not much makes sense in the homicide of GOP lawyer Alexander Talcott or the investigation and report on it from the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office. Following the money is always a good place to start.

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Deceptive Political Advertising Complaint

To whom it may concern: On February 5, 2024, the news site “In Depth New Hampshire” (for whom I have a great deal of respect – so this is not leveled at them as I believe they were unaware) published a “News Release” entitled “What to do about teen dating violence.”

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Money cash greed original Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

With Regard To Putting a Price on Public Access to Public Records

Be it noted that Deputy AG Geoffrey Ward deleted the files of 28+ police officer files relating to the Laurie List. This occurred after a letter I had written to John Scippa of police standards and training regarding concerns about Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin which he told me he was forwarding to to the AG’s office.

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Claudine Gay was the Pimple, not the Cancer

The Boston Globe, Michele Wu (Boston’s mayor), Ibram X Kendi, and others cite racism in the forced resignation of Claudine Gay.  This is a patent lie. Claudine Gay was put in her position by the Harvard Corporation headed by Penny Pritzker, who was an early financial supporter of Obama for his presidential campaign back in 2008.

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Claudine Gay, Plagiarism & the DEI Lie.

Claudine Gay was celebrated as the first black woman president of Harvard. She is not the first black woman to have reached the giddy heights of leadership in the US however. Before she came along there were several notable ambitious and brilliant black women: Condoleezza Rice, Jennifer Rubin, Shirley Chisholm to name a few.

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Gavel law books courts

Why Did Gordon MacDonald Not Recuse Himself?

The New Hampshire Supreme Court has just heard the appeal of Rep. Jon Stone regarding his request to keep private the records of police misconduct when he was a police officer. Gordon MacDonald and Barbara Hantz Marconi heard the oral arguments.

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