Militia? Why Not?

Here’s something a little different, Militias that I’ve recently learned actually exist right here in America. So if you think they are what you imagine, they are. Thing about these is they are approved by their counties. I attended a zoom on my computer and in case anyone tells you they are a bunch of radical white supremacists or something they didn’t seem that way to me, just regular folks. Now before any liberals get their shorts in a bunch, let’s realize they already have their own Militias. Sure do! They are called Antifa and Black Lives Matter, so what difference do any names make? They are organized with leadership, have a purpose (to intimidate and create chaos which is still a purpose), and are armed. Oh yes, they are.

Let’s be clear about the term and definition of “armed”. To be clear, being armed means to be carrying a weapon for either attack or defense. Humans have gone armed for centuries with everything from wooden clubs, spears, swords, lances, bows and arrows, and muskets up to pistols,  submachine guns,  and the AR rifles today (let’s not forget about nukes!). Possibly lasers and phasers in the future.

Remember, the Second Amendment uses the word “arms” and attests to “shall not be infringed”.

No, the Founders did not mean muskets exclusively. These men were very well educated, knew history and knew which arms were associated with what eras. So, they  knew, in times, that new weapons would be expected to be invented. They were not the idiots that today’s antigunne’s want everyone to believe they were.

Back to Antifa and BLM. Some of them do carry firearms; how else did they shoot and kill people during their riots and ambushes? Many of them carried untraditional weapons, fire bombs, old weapons like clubs, some knives, and even fireworks. These can all be classified as arms because they use them as weapons and can kill or injure.

Thus, wouldn’t it be understandable if those of us who support our Constitution and our Republic were to create County Militias? The Leftist rioters of a few years back clearly showed local police forces seldom had the numbers required to protect private property and lives. Now, with massive invaders coming across our borders with criminal drug gangs, sex traffickers, terrorists and undesirables imbedded in their numbers causing huge increases in violent crimes of all sorts while creating all kinds of chaos, is their any logical argument against Militias?

Especially since Democrats are the Party of “defund the police”?

You tell me.

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