Militia? Why Not?

Here’s something a little different, Militias that I’ve recently learned actually exist right here in America. So if you think they are what you imagine, they are. Thing about these is they are approved by their counties. I attended a zoom on my computer and in case anyone tells you they are a bunch of … Read more

Venezuelans were disarmed in 2012.

by Skip

It is clear that the Socialist Government of Venezuela has been tyrannical (as well as slipshod, cronyistic, and can’t manage a lemonade stand, but that’s Socialism in a nut shell).  Now we see it truly is. The Chavez / Maduro regimes disarmed their population years ago.  The Progressive Democrats are trying to do so now … Read more

Notable Quote – Samuel Adams

“The Constitution shall never be construed… to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” – Samuel Adams, Founding Father

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