Will Someone Please Tell Minnesota Democrats They Lost this War?

Does Hiroo Onoda run the Democrat party in Minnesota? Stationed in the Philippines, this Japanese soldier famously followed orders until 1974. In 1944 was told to stand and fight and never surrender. Minnesota Dems appear to have the same orders.



Dr. Scott Jensen, who is also a Minnesota State Senator, called foul early on in the everyone dies from the COVID scam. He may well be the guy who turned us on to it (or confirmed our suspicions) when we reported his concerns back on April 15, 2020. The CDC said when in doubt, it’s death by COVID. A story that has long since evolved from conspiracy theory to fact.

Feel like a stroll down memory hole lane?

That last piece isn’t even two weeks old. In it, Dr. Leana Wen, published in the Washington Post, demonstrates the flaws for the cheap seats. In The Washington Post.

Minnesota Democrats are after Dr. Jensen’s license. He’s guilty of misinformation. This will surprise Dr. Brix, who made it clear during one of the many task force briefings that “If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.”

The war is over. Trump didn’t collude with Russia. There is no hotel pee tape. And it is not misinformation to claim that patients who died from something else had their cause of death listed as COVID. It happened. A lot.

It is not a conspiracy theory or disinformation. It is a reality.


(History) And so, after twenty-nine years diligently fighting the Second World War primarily against the farmers of Lubang Island, Hiroo Onoda finally surrendered. He handed over his Arisaka Type 99 bolt-action rifle, five hundred rounds of ammunition, his knife and his grenades. The wiry figure, still dressed in his tattered 1940s Japanese army uniform, boarded a plane to Manilla where he presented his sword to President Ferdinand Marcos.

Marcos accepted the soldier’s surrender and formally pardoned him. For Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda, the war was finally over. He was the second to last Japanese soldier to surrender. The last man standing, Private Teruo Nakamura, would finally hand himself in on the 18th of December 1974.

Is it going to take thirty years for Minnesota Democrats to get the message?


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