Why is the COVID-CULT Admitting the Hospital and Death Numbers Were a Lie?

by Steve MacDonald

On Monday, we experienced a cornerstone moment in COVID history. A member of the Public Health Industrial Complex got an unpleasant truth about COVID published in the Washington Post. The Hospitalization and Death numbers were a lie.

There is nothing new or groundbreaking about that. The so-called COVID disinformation cabal has been making that claim since (at least) day 15 to flatten the curve. Skip had a comments brawl about it on Facebook after I shared this cartoon on April 7th, 2020 (not long after NH announced its COVID state of emergency and the lockdowns).


Order everyone dies from covid cartoon


The soon-to-be pro-science anti-disinformation™ folks lost their minds. How could you say that?

It was easy. The Feds were going to pay hospitals to say they had cases of COVID, and they got more money for each escalation in the death-by-hospital protocol.

Where there is a trough, there will be pigs!

COVID was a cash machine, and Hospitals and Big Pharma do not exist to protect the public interest or health. They are there to make money off them. If the Federal Government was going to hand them buckets of cash with little or no oversight just for saying patients were “hospitalized” or “died” from COVID, they would, and did.

It was an expensive lesson for many with a side of, you’re right. I can’t trust them, can I?

Not everyone was or is on board with that truth, but here comes Dr. Leana Wen, who you might remember as the most honest Director of Planned Parenthood ever. She made it clear that abortion was their core mission and more of it was good for business. They asked her to resign. That sort of honesty isn’t good for business, which makes me wonder what comes next after this.


Two infectious-disease experts I spoke with believe that the number of deaths attributed to covid is far greater than the actual number of people dying from covid. Robin Dretler, an attending physician at Emory Decatur Hospital and the former president of Georgia’s chapter of Infectious Diseases Society of America, estimates that at his hospital, 90 percent of patients diagnosed with covid are actually in the hospital for some other illness.


Dr. Wen, a card-carrying member of the COVID-Cult, has opened a door, and everyone on the center-right has pushed through it to say I told you so, including me, but I’m more interested in why? Why now? Remember, Dr. Wen wrote it, but the Washington Post published it. Why?

The original miscoding had two distinct purposes. Money Laundering and fearmongering. It is why no one “in charge” ever took the flaws of the dysfunctional PCR test seriously. It was never designed to do what it did, but it could be used to aid and abet systemic money laundering and fearmongering.

If you ever visited your state’s COVID dashboard (we shared daily analysis on these pages for months), you knew there was no threat. It was all smoke and mirrors. And while some of that smoke has cleared in recent months, this latest revelation brings what we have known for years into the public sphere for open debate.


I don’t think Dr. Wen is trying to clear her conscience. What does the COVID-CULT gain? Is this one of many fence-mending admissions now that the Public Health Oligarchy is officially a functioning propaganda arm of the US Government?

They are convinced we can’t take it back, so why not offer up a few sacrificial narrative lambs? I’m open to suggestions, but I will add that the CDC is spending at least a million on an AI project to try and identify medical misinformation spreading “before it happens” so they can figure out how to combat it in advance.

That’s a bit ironic.





  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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