Sun-King Sununu Tells Fox News That Disney Should Be Able To Groom Children

Sun-King Sununu thinks he is the proverbial “smartest man in the room” … although I am sure His Wokeness prefers “smartest person” …and that he can gaslight any issue. In a recent interview with FoxNews, His Wokeness claimed that he is in total agreement with America’s Governor, Ron DeSantis, about woke, BUT that DeSantis is wrong to use the power of state government to protect his constituents from woke corporations. Here is exactly what His Wokeness said:

Sununu agreed that “we need to push back on woke policy. There’s no question about it…. the woke policies that are culturally being driven are really driving a wedge through the United States and taking us to a place where we don’t want to be as Americans.”

However, he argued, “going after private business is a whole different story…. I come from the ‘Live Free or Die’ state, and private businesses can and should act like private businesses without the fear of being punished by people that might disagree with them.”

Sununu emphasized, “while I agree with a lot of those issues that Ron brings to the table,” he does not think it is wise “to necessarily punish private businesses because they don’t agree with a policy or whatever it might be. Those types of culture wars pushing their way into the private sector, that’s definitely not I think where we want to be as Americans.”

This is VERBAL DIARRHEA. If you are not going to use the power of state government to protect your constituents from woke corporations, then you are NOT really against woke. Rather, you are simply trying to give the appearance of being against woke to anti-woke voters, without jeopardizing the support of pro-woke voters.

This is also a GROTESQUE LIE. Sun-King Sununu has no problem forcing “private businesses” to go woke:

To be clear, what Sun-King Sununu is saying is that a corporation like Disney should able to GROOM … including trying to coerce legislators to allow grooming in public schools.

Florida is where woke goes to die. New Hampshire is where woke goes to thrive. Florida is turning redder and redder. New Hampshire is turning bluer and bluer. Both States are reflections of their respective Governors.

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