Democrats in the Government “Admit” to Censoring You Online

Steve MacDonald

No one should be surprised by this headline. We’ve all likely experienced this. The progs in Big Tech “take issue” with your content. And getting tagged, flagged, gagged, tossed “in jail,” or de-platformed by a “private company” is one thing, but what if it was at the direction of the Feds?

With no criminal basis for action, just partisan political antics.

Can you imagine? The government is deliberately colluding with search and social media companies to censor material online based on its desires. Of course, you do. It’s not new. It is not limited to one side or another. It has just never been this easy.

Two recent stories frame this cabal.

First, the Twitter files show that Biden Democrats and the DNC coordinated political speech suppression in violation of the 1st amendment. Second, testimony under oath that the FBI gave Big Tech-specific instructions to target, block, and censor content.

From The Epoch Times, referencing the work of Matt Taibbi:


Twitter’s censorship system was well established by 2020, an election year, and while both sides of U.S. politics had access, the political bias of the majority of the platform’s employees meant Democrats had more avenues to “complain” about tweets, according to Taibbi.

“For instance, in 2020, requests from both the Trump White House and the Biden campaign were received and honored,” Taibbi wrote.

“However,” he added. “This system wasn’t balanced. It was based on contacts. Because Twitter was and is overwhelmingly staffed by people of one political orientation, there were more channels, more ways to complain, open to the left (well, Democrats) than the right.”


The result was everything we complained about that was dismissed as conspiracy. But Twitter’s many progressive “channels” were shadow-banning or suppressing content based on the desires of mostly left-Wing actors, including your government.


During a deposition this week the FBI admitted to giving instructions to tech companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft to block URLs without a basis in legality.  Essentially the ideology of the FBI and DHS determines the targets of the content removal, blockage and/or censoring.


In the interests of ideological security, a Federal force with police powers directed information technology providers to constrict access points or information they deemed a threat to their political agenda.

In other words, the Feds colluded with Big Tech under the umbrella of Section 230 Communications Decency Act or, in the interest of national security (claiming foreign disinformation campaigns), asks Big Tech (weekly) to silence individuals or groups without any criminal justification.


“Since filing our lawsuit, we’ve uncovered troves of discovery that show a massive ‘censorship enterprise,’” Attorney General Eric Schmitt told Fox News Digital. “Now, we’re deposing top government officials, and we’re one of the first to get a look under the hood — the information we’ve uncovered through those depositions has been shocking to say the least. It’s clear from Tuesday’s deposition that the FBI has an extremely close role in working to censor freedom of speech.”


This is the same FBI that took the made-up Democrat Candidate Dossier and turned it into a four-year act of hate speech against a sitting US president, complete with illegal warrants, searches, indictments, Lawfare, and other harassment.

As I said in the opening. No one should be surprised by the headline. What would be surprising is if anyone does anything or someone goes to jail.

It seems unlikely, so why bother talking about it? The political party calling you a book-banning Nazi for believing that children should not have access to every sort of “book” that exists has been deliberately using government force to ban “speech” with which they disagree or have determined to be inappropriate.

Maybe ask them about that illegal censorship if the subject of book banning comes up.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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