They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and I will back-edit to include the link.  And there will likely be a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Overflow.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




But first, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.



Buy the coffee mug!













I’ve been skeptical of Michelle Obama being a tranny.  But a number of pictures have shown up from across Obama’s early years with Barackus and Michael, described as his “close friend”.  The faces do bear an uncanny resemblance.

There was one picture, though, that – assuming no editing – cemented it for me (wish I’d saved it).  A deformity on “Michael’s” arm… scar or birth defect, I’m not sure.  And it matches “Michelle’s” arm.  Now, this.  And I’ve seen a video of Barackus saying MICHAEL.  (Again, assuming no editing or deep-faking.)

Like Barackus’ “slip” My Muslim faith… in which, whether as a Jew or formerly as an atheist, I cannot imagine making that kind of a slip.









To all those who say “That couldn’t happen here”… there are 20 million Ukrainians dead in the Holodomor that were starved to death in an attempt to create the Socialist Utopia.


Socialistopia - notice j


The world has seen over 100 million civilians murdered in the pursuit of Socialism.

Remember that Trump was rolling all that back.  He was, indeed, making America great again.  And to the Socialist, this was anathema.  He HAD TO BE STOPPED.  So, given the perspective that they’ve murdered millions, what’s a million-odd Americans to stop their hated enemy?  I am firmly convinced the Democrats aided and abetted the importation and spread of Covid, as well as helping the body count, to discredit Trump.








Hence the open war on history, on every tradition, on the family, on everything that has made America specifically, and Western Civilization generally, great.  You cannot honestly tell me you can look at what’s happening with all the “woke” stuff and not see the above being done.









Good catch!  That cannot be accidental.

I was discussing this, and similar, things with people on Telegram.  One thing I noted was Thomas Sowell’s observation that – if you are of the Elite mentality – you cannot believe the same thing as the “seething masses”.  For how can you be superior if you believe the same thing the common man believes.  Thus, the Elites MUST adopt beliefs that “set them apart”.  If the common man believes pedoville is a bad place to be, you MUST think the opposite.  This applies to almost everything they choose to believe.  Try it as a thought exercise.

Knowing your enemy includes understanding how they think, and what motivates them.  EGO in this case is their motivator: the belief they really are made from finer clay.








Pick of the post:




Now, some government is necessary.  But not the level we have now.







Palate Cleansers:


‘Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.”

– Albert Schweitzer











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