Meme Overflow

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









Yes, they want civil war.  They want a pretext to declare martial law.  Here’s the problem, as noted here:

If we can’t eject these bastards electorally, there will be mass death. If we refuse to fight, thousands of Americans will freeze to death or die of diseases exacerbated by the cold. If we rise up, thousands will die in combat: Usurpers, their hangers-on, and patriots who’ve put their lives on the line because they’ve had enough. There’ll be mass death one way or another. All that will remain to us is to choose who will die and by what method.

I truly fear it is not a fight or not fight situation… but merely a choose your time and place situation.  Got ammo?  Got bullet resistant gear?  (I own several from here.)



Local, baby, local.

No, I don’t want this.  No, I’m not looking forward to it.  I just want to be left alone, as so many on our side want.  But it boils down to this, their arrogance:









Amen.  From the highest to the smallest.

Personally, and just MHO, I want beheadings.  I want forests of heads on pikes permanently mounted in every city and town and village, left to rot until the sun gleams white on the skulls as a lesson to the next ten generations of Socialists / Communists / Globalists as a deterrent.  Rant above inspired by:










I also vote for the toast.

I remember a liberal blogger who wrote a panicked piece, during Trump’s time in office, about how the aspartame in Trump’s Diet Coke could lead to dementia and how this required a pre-emptive 25th Amendment removal.  Now, now, now!  And now with the Potato clearly and actually addled, nothing.

If they didn’t have double-standards they wouldn’t have any.








Wait until they learn that their immune system has been razed and that they need quarterly or even bi-monthly shots to keep from dying.






Pick of the post:



There’s a reason I call them the enemedia.  The same happens, specifically and near-and-dear to my heart, wrt the Fakestinians and the racists who carry their water because “brown people” can’t possibly be that deceptive.  For example:



And an infamous picture:



Horrific, isn’t it?  A soldier, stepping on a child?  It makes the rounds now and again as an example of EEEEVIL Israel.  Now, here’s that picture, but the camera’s field of view is wider:



So many things wrong with this, but… just three points (in addition to the comments on the photo):

  1. Can you imagine a crowd standing at attention, calm, as a child is stepped on by a soldier?
  2. Where are the soldier’s companions?  No soldier, having been trained in any way, would do this to a child without massive backup.
  3. Notice two men strolling by, just behind the soldier?  The people further back, apparently smiling?

This was street theater – a performance in IIRC Bangladesh.  Presented as reality.

The enemedia lies.  Lies about Israel.  Lies about climate change.  Lies in the service of the Jab.



As a friend of mine once said… once the main shooting stops, they go against the wall too.




If you can spare a little, please support Terry Roy in the NH House race.  He’s solid.




Palate cleansers:









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