“Fiscally Responsible™” Maggie Hassan Helped Add 11.5 Trillion to the Federal Debt in Under 6 Years

In 2016 when Maggie Hassa squeaked out a win over Kelly Ayotte for a US Senate seat from New Hampshire, the Deficit was at 19.5 Trillion. Given that Hassan is selling herself as a fiscally responsible™ tax-cutter, we might be able to discern the truth of that by looking at what the National debt is today. It just hit 31 Trillion.

If you suffered through 21st-century public school math, let me help you with this. While fiscally responsible Maggie Ha$$an has been in the U$ $enate, she has helped add 11.5 Trillion in new debt.

Related: Hassan Cuts Nursing Home Budget While Dishing Out Cash To Planned Parenthood

That’s a 59% escalation above the debt she inherited when she took office in January 2017. Hassan helped add nearly 60% to the national debt she inherited since arriving in DC. More than a third (37%) of the total federal accumulated in the nation’s history.

In fewer than six years.

Fiscally irresponsible?

Hey Mags, are you ready to admit that you didn’t want those tax cuts for New Hampshire you take credit for in your Television campaign ads? That you were forced to sign off on tax cuts sent to you by a Republican majority legislature. That Democrats in your state party not only ran on repealing tax cuts but still do. Tax cuts, one Democrat State Senator said, “businesses didn’t ask for.”

You know, because it wasn’t money they made or anything.

While Margaret ‘Maggie” Hassan was forced to sign that NH budget as governor, there’s no one in DC twisting her arm to be fiscally responsible, is there? I think we can see that.

Related:  This morning, gas taxes in New Hampshire are 23 percent higher

Let’s have some more fun with math. Since your spendaholic gal-pal, Jeanne Shaheen, was elected to the US Senate in 2008, the Deficit has risen from 10 trillion to 31 trillion, or an additional 1.5 trillion in new debt yearly.

Since you joined her, you’ve helped add 1.9 trillion a year in new debt annually.

And while I’m not sure you care, Granite Staters are concerned about the economy, falling behind, and their kids falling behind in education. Business owners find it harder to do business when everything costs more, including borrowing money.

Related: The Budget – Gov. Hassan and the Democrats Are Trying to Save Face

There’s not one good thing you claim credit for when your uncontrolled spending agenda wipes it out through inflation and recession. And what makes it worse is Maggie is running for office on being fiscally responsible, and cutting taxes, when the only thing she’s good at is the opposite.



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