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“Time Blindness”

by Skip

I can see why older generations don’t want to hire young CryBullies or socialize with them, for that matter—being “on time” used to be an accepted, almost mandatory, social norm in Society—one of the things that “glued” us together.

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Turbaque Colin Furze Youtube screenshot

How About a Jet Powered BBQ Grill?

by Skip

I have to admit, my Jettiness series has had a lot of jet-powered stuff but I have NEVER come across a jet-powered barbeque grill. Your simple, ordinary home barbeque, normally using briquettes or propane, is now using a jet engine?

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Palate Cleanser

Where the Air Pollution Is …

by Skip

Out of the six common air pollutants, particulate matter measuring 2.5 microns [1/30 of a human hair – Skip] or smaller in diameter, or PM2.5, is accepted as the most harmful to human health. This is due to its prevalence in the atmosphere and the broad range of adverse health effects associated with its exposure, … Read more

Palate Cleanser

Palate Cleanser – I Wish My Dogs Were This Trainable

by Skip

Now THIS is a dog toy! Throw and fetch all by hissself! And they definitely are not smart enough to go to the next level (scroll down to see):                          

Palate Cleanser

A Different Kind of “Gender-Affirming Surgery”

by Skip

If you’re an adult (and I’m saying that loosely in some cases) and you want to mutilate your body in some fashion, be my guest. Just don’t make me pay for it or be on bended knee “affirming” delusions that these modifications make you look or feel better.

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