Inflation Reduction Act Will Hurt America’s Middle Class

by Don

Democrats, including Sens. Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen, and Reps. Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas, apparently think that middle-income and poorer Americans are not suffering enough. Their votes for the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act will increase our suffering now; any benefits will be later.

The IRA increases the spending that caused today’s painful 8.5% inflation. The IRA adds taxes, fees, royalties, and regulations to those which doubled our energy costs. Food prices haven’t been this high since 1979 and we already see some of the shortages that Joe Biden promised.

Democrat energy policies are already killing good American jobs ( and the IRA will kill thousands more jobs.

The $80 billion IRS funding targets middle and lower-income Americans who can’t afford specialists to find loopholes and negotiate deals.

Much of the $369 billion borrowed for “Green Energy” will go to China which produces most solar panels and windmills. (See Michael Moore’s movie, Planet of the Humans)

Biden tapped our strategic petroleum reserve to reduce the pain that his policies caused. After supporting Biden’s policies, Sen. Hassan considered her upcoming election and now claims to want to eliminate the gas tax. Both actions would end after the election; both efforts are pretenses at caring for the American people.

Simply for political purposes, Biden has jeopardized our ability to respond to a national emergency. Our strategic reserve is at its lowest level since the 1980s, and Biden is still releasing one million barrels daily.

There is great similarity between Democrat actions and Marxist policy which demands the destruction of the middle class. The misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” is another step toward destroying the American Middle Class.

Votes for Democrats in November are votes to drive many middle income Americans into poverty.

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