If you nod your head after reading that headline, you are probably a regular reader of these pages. We’ve discussed the Left’s mission to nationalize local police for nearly a decade. So, will BLM be pissed, or are they in on it?
The Defund police movement was embraced by Democrats, water-carriers, and continues to appear on the demand lists of Black Lives Matters groups, both local and national. But it was never about police brutality or replacing cops with social workers. A kinder, gentler institution was never on the horizon.
The plan was and is to undermine local policing, not beholden to national interests. To create local outrage and demands for more cops – the response to which is more police funded and controlled by DC.
You can’t have a proper police state if the “police” do not answer to the National government.
Back in the day, when Obama handed out buckets of money so local PDs could buy urban assault vehicles, the Left was also capitalizing on any real or imagined scandal involving local cops. Investigate, insist on federal oversight and funding, and tie them up in Federal springs.
The drug overdose death of George Floyd in police custody was not the scandal it became, but the Left used it and BLM – sorry believers – is probably in on the scam.
Democrats made America less safe. They defunded local police. Crime skyrocketed. They opened the border to illegals, drug cartels, MS13 gang members, and human trafficking. And having broken it deliberately, they now say they will fix it.
Any large federal package or support to hire, train, and support police officers will be accountable to the strings tied to that money. And all lines lead back to DC.
DC Democrats who vote for or applaud more federal money for policing do not admit they were wrong. They were calculating. This was always the plan. Create chaos, then offer to restore order on their terms. It’s how they work.
They used the useless vaccine for the not-remotely dangerous flu to purge every armed force, from street cops to National Guard to the US military.
It’s not a mistake. It is intentional.
They will try to take over local policing and wrest civilian control from you. The Democrat states and cities will embrace it. Governors like Chris Sununu, who is in love with federal money, will trip over themselves to take it even with the risk that it might abrogate local control to the feds (Chris will, that’s not what will happen). But it has to happen. That’s the point.
Even if you try to pay it back as if they would.
Defunding the police was always about more militarized police. If you didn’t see it coming, we and many others tried to warn you.
Oh, and guess how responsive they will be when you have complaints. Guess whose homes they’ll get to quickly and to whom they may not?
A national police force is a political police force, and if you don’t think that’s dangerous, imagine them answering to your political opponents.