Skip’s Sauntering Snippets #10- This summer – Brownouts? Blackouts? Why and by whom?

by Skip

Yes, I’m still doing these out of order…sigh…either I will catch up to myself or I’ll be praying to God to slow the entire world down.  Guess which one has any likelihood of happening?

Give thanks to Eco-Socialists demanding to control your energy choices. No nukes, no natural gas, no coal – even hydro (think dams) is any good to these Eco-Socialists telling you that you don’t “need” reliable energy! Keep it all in the ground is their stance! So this summer, prepare for your NEXT 3-month free trial of Collectivist Socialism known as “shared misery” called enforced brownouts and blackouts because they now control the Federal Government.

Yeah, Biden’s got his finger of the pulse of the Eco-Socialists but not us. We’re staring at $10/gallon for gas and HE decides to use the wartime law of the Defense Production Act, not to get the fossil fuel blokes to start digging and refining but lifting tariffs on solar panels – from China.  Which does us no good at all but Xi is grinning ear to ear that only Winnie the Pooh can!

So, how ya gonna vote in September (Primaries) and November (General Election)?

Skip’s Sauntering Snippets #10- This summer – Brownouts? Blackouts? Why and by whom?

by Skip

Yes, I’m still doing these out of order…sigh…either I will catch up to myself or I’ll be praying to God to slow the entire world down.  Guess which one has any likelihood of happening?

Give thanks to Eco-Socialists demanding to control your energy choices.

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