robot androd Zen

The Preservation of Organic Humanity – A Conservative Act of Disassociation

I want to pose a line of reasoning, a question that may perhaps lead us* somewhere in the future. And to clarify, the ‘us’ I am referring to here is the ‘organic humans,’ the collective of good-hearted and common sense-driven people who have and will continue to oppose genetic alterations or artificial upgrades of any kind; those who believe We are all Divine Creations and should remain as such.

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Globe Puppet master

Where Are We Headed? Will You Survive?

Today, the beginning of autumn, 2022, is an appropriate time to look back. I believe we are in extreme trouble; in fact, some sort of world collapse may be at hand. The following discussion is pitched at anyone who cares but lacks the time to research the particulars.

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Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours

Many years ago I read an article called The Three Conjectures, at PJMedia, the Belmont Club.  It’s about radical Islamists getting nuclear weapons and it did not paint a comforting picture.  I’ve struggled for years with that essay, desperate to find the flaw in the argument.  Thus far I have not.  I had a similar … Read more

RNC video Power Screen grab Tyranny has many forms

CRT Creates a Culture Where Neither Redemption nor Forgiveness Exist, and Justice Is Impossible

I’ve no shortage of words for the topic. Those inclined towards power and its abuse have a template. It excused human slavery. It justified ethnic cleansing. And Critical Race Theory is just the latest exercise of this reach for power. Dehumanize someone to justify intimidation or abuse.

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