To The Left, The Goal of Democracy is Always Tyranny - Granite Grok

To The Left, The Goal of Democracy is Always Tyranny

ELites should pick the president

The easiest way to determine how the party in power wants you to think (hint: it’s always the Democrats) is to read the messages their propagandists send out for your consideration.

Today’s lesson is about how Democracy – which is actually mob rule – and the Democratic party (which is anything but) are massaging the media battlespace for the next step on the path to tyranny.

It’s not even subtle.


Hey, you know what, freedom is not all it’s cracked up to be and maybe, just maybe, authoritarianism is what we need. The default Marxist maxim. A few experts will get more done. Even when it means picking Dear Leader.

And the inference here is that what gets done will be good for everyone but you can see with your own eyes what happens.

Joe Biden’s puppeteers and the Democrat Party (along with a few globalists) have been beta testing the authoritarian tick at an above-average level since the fall of 2019 when invented-COVID broke loose.

The elites, our good dictators, set the table and denied us our rights – over a flu virus no one need fear – while giving extra rights to rioters and looters working their narratives.

They masked us, locked us down, tried to inject experimental drugs into us, denied us more rights when we refused, stole an election in the middle of all of that (81 million “people” did not vote for that vegetable side-dish Joe Biden), and have been wrecking everything they can get their hands on since then.

The trajectory of the world today is exactly what it is like to live in the shadow of decline created by progressive experts and it doesn’t get better unless you remove them from power (for decades).

There’s no easy way back from this and they are all out to get you. Yes, even you.

So, yes, it is time for a frequent reminder to people (and the media) who think they’ll have a seat at the adult table when the “transition is complete.” No, you won’t. If you’re not in custody or dead within 12 months you’ll be down here with the rest of us.

And no those same misguided Marxists won’t believe me. The self-proclaimed intellectuals of the New World Order are incapable of seeing the threat to everything including themselves. That’s how it happens. These shepherds herd the sheep thinking they’ll always be beholding the crook, assuming that they’ve been given a passport when what they’ll probably get is put up against a wall.

It’s the only lesson from history they learn and always too late.



Democrats means Dictatorship


