I’m not surprised that parents, students, and teachers are bringing more stories about violence, bullying, and behavior issues inside some of New Hampshire’s schools.
I wrote about the potential dangers based on some of the changes I’ve seen to the laws and initiatives that are currently in our schools. I have to wonder, will this escalate into something more dangerous.
I will say it again, look at the Multi-Tiered System of Support-Behavior, (MTSS-B) and the law (HB1588) referenced here.
Stacey Sliwerski Greenberg – March 11 at 4:36 PM
What follows below comes from a parent in Manchester, but she is speaking for many other parents in districts like Manchester, Nashua, and Rochester. Stacey posted this on a Manchester Facebook page. I asked her permission to post it here, and she agreed.
I am including comments that were added to her post on Facebook. That way you can read some of the comments that were added to her post. Please keep oftentimes the teachers are just as frustrated as these parents……
Just a little edit to add a fun fact. All these schools have social media accounts run by the kids who post all the shit they record of fights at school and on the bus as well as them acting up in class for views and likes.
So I am going to post something that I will be posting on multiple pages. Yes, I will also be emailing and or call the school Principal. However, I wanted to reach out to other parents who are tired of hearing or reading about things going on in these schools, before, during, and after as well as on the buses to and from the school.
Some of what I am about to discuss comes from multiple Facebook pages, from my daughter, and from other sources I feel the need to keep private.
The last week people have posted about their kids being bullied on the bus while another was occurring at school. The parents were frustrated at the lack of action on these incidents and I’m sure no one can blame them. Yes bullying has always gone on and will continue as we let it.
I believe in the chain of command approach, for me this is: Police if there is ANY type of assault if not then: The Principal
The Principal and the Parents of the offending children.
School Board
If all fails Lawyer and News Media
Not sure what happened to the Zero Tolerance for Bullying but it definitely does mean much or what I thought it meant.
Discipline seems to be detention or maybe internal suspension which seems lacking.
Today I heard a few things about Southside and I am sure this is not just occurring there. But it affects my daughter so I am bullshit more than usual at this crap.
My daughter let me know that her Resource Teacher had reached her breaking point and said she was quitting. She had to deal with 4 girls in her class that were unruly and rude. She was also assaulted by a student and hurt recently.
Teachers we desperately need for our children are quitting because these assholes cannot act in a civilized manner. They come to school, have no interest in learning and deprive those students who do want to learn. You may have a right to a free public education from Kindergarten to 12th grade but if you abuse it you should lose it.
I have heard that a few key staff members are leaving Southside to go on to other schools outside this district, can’t blame them.
I have also been told that a male student sexually assaulted another student. He was given internal suspension – WTF!!! And in the end did not even serve that. Probably no staff to watch over him. He was heard bragging to friends that he got away with it and nothing was going to be done.
These kids will continue to pull this crap if they know discipline and proper consequences continue to be non existent.
I pray my daughter’s teacher changes her mind. I pray these kids get severe punishment. We have to take back these schools for the kids that want to learn and deserve to learn in a peaceful environment.
I’ve been there with my kid at hillside and central. These kids have no consequences for their actions at these schools, the teachers/staff either don’t want or don’t know how to deal with it it’s a vicious cycle. Some of these kids are animals.
Thank you for writing this. Hard to blame staff when they do such things as ask kids to stop swearing, go to class, please keep quiet, get off your phone, pick up your trash, or why are you late and they yell and swear at you because you asked them to do something. Then when a consequence is given a parent/guardian calls and complains about the consequence. As far as fights I am one for kids defending themselves. I tell kids and parents there might be a consequence but as a parent I would accept that.
I just had to call parkside yesterday because my daughter was assaulted by and boy and a girl ripping her hair and trying to steal her earrings, her words were im gonna look into it! And that she should stay close to friends and teachers so it doesn’t happen again! That’s all im gonna state ! #youhavethewrongmother#manchesterschoolssuck
It’s horrible. Every day I hear a story from my daughter about kids being disrespectful and rude to staff and being mean and bullying other kids. I wish my 5th grader was able to stay at her elementary school one more Year. She said it’s so stressful with the amount of fights, drama and bullying and some kids are so cruel to teachers! Sometimes she doesn’t even feel safe in her classroom. I feel so bad for teachers that are trying to teach kids that actually want to learn but have to discipline unruly kids half the time.
These are serious problems that warrant the attention of all of us. I hope that those working, and serving in this district will start looking at what is going on and start administering consequences when necessary.