This is about the bill, just passed by the Democrats in the US House, that will set up a committee to “study how reparations for slavery will take shape.”
After all, both the United States and everyone living here is guilty of past slavery. All of us even if we weren’t alive back when slavery WAS that “Democrat thing.”
Note that bolded line from the linked post; it isn’t how it MAY be structured, it isn’t SHOULD it happen, but that reparations WILL happen. This is Democrat President LBJ all over again with his infamous statement…
“Now I’ll have those <N-word> voting Democratic for the next 200 years”
…when his Great Society and War on Poverty bills were passed. Greatest redistribution of wealth ever. And now Democrats are looking to reprise it again. And yes, the fix will be in:
The panel would have 13 members, one each appointed by President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, one by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont as president pro tempore of the Senate, and six from civil rights groups that support reparations.
Ya think that ANY Conservative group will be asked to serve? And this, THIS is just Black Lives Matter “Equity” and Collective Skin Color Group retribution:
“Reparations is about repair and when you repair the damage that has been done, you do so much to move a society forward. This commission can be a healing process — telling the truth can heal America,” she said.
Nope – an out-and-out lie. This commission, and its not-so-stealthy giving of money to those that have never been subjected to slavery in the first place, won’t repair a THING. And instead of any healing, this will be extremely divisive. Why?
It’s all about Collective Guilt simply based on your skin color. You are guilty by association twice over. First, if you are White, you’re guilty NOW and are a target. Second, if you are White, you are also Guilty for ALL “racial sins” committed by other Whites anytime in US history. And even back when there was no US – just 13 British colonies.
Fairness? Hardly. As I keep having to write, my grandparents weren’t even living in the US until the early 1900s. And then THEY were discriminated in any number of ways, especially on my father’s Irish side. No, they weren’t slaves but by today’s standards, there was much discrimination (and now, you can’t retrofit today’s norms and laws back 100 years or more – but the Democrats are certainly trying!). So how am *I* guilty?
And I dare to define a single, concrete event that says I, in today’s society, have benefitted from slavery back from before Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation and we fought a bloody Civil War.
Sorry, that can’t just be brushed aside because it doesn’t fit your Narrative. And don’t forget that the Republican Party was formed, in large part, as the abolitionist party to free human beings from the shackles of slavery.
It was the Southern Democrats, by and large that owned slaves during that time. THEY were the ones that should have paid reparations. The Southern Democrats were the ones that instituted Jim Crow Laws. that should be paying reparations. And those Democrats that formed the KKK that attacked Blacks.
And those Democrats that voted with LBJ to form the Great Society should, all by themselves, be forced to pay reparations to the rest of us for instituting policies that broke families apart as welfare was targeted to single women and children – fathers were cast aside.
…Henry said. “So why is this country unwilling to discuss reparations for people of African descent? The only difference between those who have gotten reparations and those who have not gotten compensation is the color of my skin.”
No, it wasn’t about skin color but TIME. He (Kennis Henry of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations) conveniently drops that it wasn’t skin color but ethnicity that had that DEMOCRAT President, FDR, interning the Japanese at the beginning of WWII.
Jackson Lee said white America owes black citizens reparations.
“The idea of H.R. 40 is to respond to those who say my family didn’t have enslaved people, it’s not my fault,” Jackson Lee said. “What I say to them is be very assured, we will not be knocking on individual White people’s doors demanding money for African Americans. But for slavery, for the hanging of thousands of Black people, for Jim Crow laws, for the horrible segregation laws of the 20th century, for the segregation of the United States military, for redlining, your government has a responsibility because it was all government-sanctioned. Your government has a debt.”
That our national Government has a debt to be paid is absurd. The Southern Confederacy should be responsible. Those politicians that voted for slavery should be responsible. Those people who put them into office should be responsible. And Jackson Lee is a racist for saying that every single White American “owes” Black citizens.
Hold your own Party responsible for all the atrocities that were committed. I’m amazed that you’re even IN that party after LBJ called you all. And all those Democrats before you enslaved you. But they are all about the redistribution, aren’t they?
And like all those that endured or were harmed by actual slavery, they are all gone. All dead. No one is left that caused harm or suffered harm to either pay or be paid. Sorry, your grift of “Collective Guilt” is a false one only meant to extract money from others that have no stain on them at all.
You’re all just greedy in your attempts for free money.
(H/T: IJR)