The Antidote is to vote Pixabay bluebudgie

The Filing Period for Filing for NH Political Office Is Over – Here’s the Final Cumulative List:

Unless one is planning on mounting a “write in” campaign (which can work but only in a fairly limited set of circumstances), this PDF outlines who is running for elected office here in NH. From the NH Secretary of State David Scanlon’s office:   Yes, I am running for NH GOP Delegate once again. I … Read more

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GrokPoll Results – Who do you think could or should be the next NH Governor?

In case you didn’t go back and check the poll results.. Well, I think that GraniteGrok and our readers are probably in that mix of “ultra-anti-government right” that Sununu mentioned when he signed up to run, again, for NH Governor. I dryly note that when such people say such things, they (Sununu) NEVER state the … Read more

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‘Grok Gauntlets – Yep, Time to Get Started. Helps to Start at the Beginning!

‘Grok Gauntlets – I describe them as the same as journalists’ “Round Tables” with candidates but with much better Conservative oriented questions. Generally, FAR different questions to boot. But in order to get to the ‘Grok Gauntlets, we need to do the invites. 

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