Biden and Russia, Sittin’ in a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G …

Ten Dollar a Gallon Joe, a speculative but realistic nickname, has conceded publicly that buying oil from Russia at this moment in history might not look good. What does that mean?

It’ll hurt their economy, and he suddenly wants that and is willing to tie himself up in his own logic chain. By not buying Russia’s oil we can cause them economic harm, which means that “not buying our own oil hurts our economy.”

Since day one, Joe has been doing that deliberately and without encouragement, but he had to be badgered for weeks into harming Russia.

I know, don’t quibble. These are “experts” we are talking about. Ten Dollar a Gallon Joe’s Administration is top-heavy with the best and brightest like the Mayor Pete guy, the Secretary of massive supply chain disruptions Transportation.

These are the same geniuses who are, right now, negotiating in Vienna, with Iran, at talks run by… a Russian ambassador. In whom Biden has placed our best interests in talks with a self-admitted American hating regime that happens to be an ally of Russia.

Related: The Perfect Headline Doesn’t Exis…”Biden Sells Alaska Back to Russia So We Can Start Drilling for Oil There Again”

Remember, experts!

At what, you might ask, and that’s a good question because what they are good at is destroying things, and that includes America.


A senior congressional official added on Monday: “It’s obvious that Russia should no longer serve as one of the key intermediaries brokering an Iran deal. We need to be isolating Russia not just economically, but also diplomatically. There is absolutely no chance that Russia has U.S. national security interests in mind when it comes to Iran’s nuclear program.”


Need an example?


“Under one draft interim agreement that sources said Russia presented to Iran, Tehran would be required to stop enriching uranium up to 60 percent purity and dispose of its current stockpile, possibly by exporting it to Russia, along with other restrictions. In exchange, the Iranian government would receive access to billions of dollars in oil revenues frozen in foreign bank accounts, including in South Korea, the sources said.”


Russia and Iran make out well enough. But we can be certain that Iran will not stop enriching Uranium. Russia will make use of what Iran parts with, and nowhere in there does America benefit unless you consider sending US dollars to the mullahs in exchange for oil we could extract from our own shores without funding global terrorism.

Lifting sanctions on our own oil would be a win for America and our economy, but Joe’s not having that. He’s pro-Venezuela, pro-Iran, pro-Saudi Arabia, and pro-Russia despite the sanctions gesture.

I’m surprised the Vienna Boys Choir penning the new Iran Deal didn’t toss in a few billion in US Military Hardware to go along with that?

Wait. No need. Like the Chinese, Iran has probably, already purchased some American Military tech from the Taliban.

Remember, Experts!




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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