Welcome to USSA

I was sent shopping earlier today and can honestly say I’ve never seen so many empty shelves in the supermarkets.  Not all of them but large gaps all over. I had to go to two stores to find a bag of frozen broccoli; that’s never happened before.

Twenty or so years ago, we worked with some Russian students one summer, and they were amazed at the abundance in our supermarkets, so I can’t help drawing some comparisons. Reading how the corn crops here in our Midwest are in jeopardy for this summer and how it translates to other foods is not good.

Welcome to the United Soviet States of America.

Am I being overly dramatic? Well, consider how our Leftist-dominated media and the current administration are attempting to dictate what we can say, think or do. The Woke Mob is running out of control, and with media support, is intimidating free-thinking Americans.

Elected Leftist officials are blocking a truck caravan of anti-vaccine mandates out in Montana. Can anyone tell me where those officials got the authority to block a peaceful caravan of trucks using public highways for peaceful purposes? This is the same ideology that excused BLM/Antifa riots, looting, burning, assaulting, and even murder, describing it as “mostly peaceful.”

All across Democra (Marxist Socialist) controlled cities, mobs of thieves raid stores stealing everything they can carry away with no police interference. Those few arrested are recipients of the revolving door justice systems advocated by those politically correct “social justice” officials.

So how is that working out for those retail businesses? We are seeing the closing of many of them and unless this trend is stopped bet we see lots more? Those cities and their people will find that current shortages are nothing to what will be coming. Why would store owners who have to buy the goods be able or willing to stay in business if authorities will not protect them?

At some point, these cities will become unlivable, third-world environments and it will be the poorest most venerable who will be trapped unable to afford to leave, and have no place to go.

Those truckers are about the last people these city officials want to tick off. If the SJW mobs can’t rob retail stores, the rolling supply system, already under attack out in the LA railroad area, will start attacking truckers. The supplies will stop. Can starvation be far behind?

Can those advocating for a Marxist government be any more short-sighted and self-destructive by doing what they are doing? Do they really believe the American people, black, white, brown, or tan, will put up with a third world? A USSA totalitarian one where shortages and mandates determine your lifestyle?

Not very likely.

It’s why gun sales are so high, IMHO.



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