Since the dawning of the Global Warming era, circa 1984, the Climate Cult has been preaching the end of the earth and blaming you. But most people never cared enough, which just pissed them off.
So they spent your money (trillions by now) massaging models and expanding budgets to prove that money can buy a narrative or politicians to push it if they spend enough, but not much else.
Our self-proclaimed government watchdogs in the media will trip over themselves to spin the latest press from Captain Planet or Muppet Greta (who has since – literally – outgrown her usefulness). Pimping the climate crap sandwich full of lies while ignoring actual science because it undermines a plan with which they agree.
So the ‘dogs are feeding at the same trough as Capitan Planet to create that endless supply of crap sandwiches. Each delivered with fear for our consumption.
But there’s still no good reason to swallow any of it.
Last July (for example), we shared proof that The Great Barrier Reef had grown to record size. It is exciting news for the folks who’ve been worried about the prophesied consequences of dying reefs or their collapsing ecosystems. Google it. They can’t stop worrying about it because no one is reporting the truth.
Even today, six months after evidence that the reef bounced back, it’s still doom, despair, and agony ‘cuz you. But you were not even at the dance. And if it’s not a man-made problem, then someone might cut the research funding, and while that’s one scary click-bait headline (THEY CUT THE FUNDING!!!), without the stream of crap sandwiches the funding makes possible, whatever shall the media do?
Well, they could report this?
An 1871 dataset of sea temperatures across the Great Barrier Reef in Australia has been compared to recent measurements logged at the same reef areas. No differences in temperature were found by Dr. Bill Johnson, leading him to conclude: “Alarming claims that the East Australian Current has warmed due to global warming are therefore without foundation.”
Your loose and lavish modern lifestyle has not affected the seawater temps, The Great Barrier Reef, or its Ecosystem. The water temps are the same as they were over 130 years ago. That’s an impressive thing, natural by appearance, but the Climate Cult makes the crap sandwiches they don’t eat them, and this is quite a lot for them to swallow.
Years of reporting the demise of a reef that’s got more coral now than it did in the 1980s combined with this news is a lot to take in, which explains the media blackout. They’re in shock. What do we do? Easy enough to keep lying, so they will.
That’s not to say there are no threats to the reef. That gift shop coral comes from somewhere via someone, via coral mining. And there are coral pirates, but the primary source for that kind of decline probably gets permission from some government that’s blaming you and your fossil fuel lifestyle for there being less reef than before.
It’s madness.
Needless to say, this has an enormous impact on the surrounding eco-system, killing marine life and leaving a barren ocean behind. Indiscriminate destruction also causes sand erosion and removes coastal protection. Ironically, much of the coral has been used to build airports and resorts in places like the Maldives to house tourists who come to marvel at the reefs.
Do you remember the Maldives? They were all supposed to be underwater by now, but the “doomed” Island nation keeps letting global corporations build swanky staycation destinations there. It might be because, despite the over-advertised (impending!) sea-level rise, the earth’s coastlines have been growing since 1984.
Not that the media can make time to that either.