I decided to read the complaint filed against the New Hampshire Dept of Education. It references Commissioner Frank Edleblut, NH Commission on Human Rights Christian Kim, and NH AG John Fomella. All because the AFT (NH Chapter), a couple of teachers, and a couple of parents aren’t happy.
They are unhappy (in my humble opinion as your lowly political blogger) because NH law no longer allows education based on the immutable attribute of skin color as a determinant factor in whether you are an oppressor or a victim.
And of course, given the stupid environment that Progressives have made for us all, all People of Pallor, as a Collective group ARE the Oppressors of any other people “of color” who, collectively, can only be victims.
And NH’s HB2 has made it impossible for teachers to carry on this “new” education tradition without consequence.
I’m certainly not surprised – given the product the Government schools are putting out. It’s clear they had problems in reading the actual bill and what it allows and what it doesn’t allow.
I would have thought, however, that the lawyers involved in this would have said “I DON’T want to be involved in this” unless they are hoping to recreate the Claremont Decision (“Cherish”) and making a lasting name for themselves (you know, like every journalist, it seems, wishing to be the next Watergate reporters):
Sidenote: and for the record, they are Nolan Perroni, P.C., Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, Phillips, Richard & Rind, P.C., David Strom, Esq., and Selendy & Gay PLLC. The teachers are Ryan Richman (Hstory) and John Dube (History), both of Timberlane Regional High School while Jocelyn Merrill teaches English at Nashua High School. Thanks for EXACTLY letting us know where you teach, boys and girl!
Reading through the complaint I came across this (page 5):
Plaintiff John Dube is a high school U.S. History and AP U.S. History teacher at Timberlane Regional High School. After the Divisive Concepts Statute was passed, Mr. Dube signed an online petition promising to teach “honest” history. A New Hampshire rightwing group published all of the names of teachers who signed the petition, pledging to “shame” them. Mr. Dube was subject to online harassment, threats, and obscenities for simply doing his job in the classroom – requiring federal and local law enforcement intervention. He continues to fear for his own personal safety and, in fact, has had to install personal security and safety equipment at his home in light of the threats. See Exhibit A.
“A rightwing group”, eh? Are you that scared of a bunch of volunteer Liberty and Freedom misfits who eat Progressives’ lunches out from underneath them that you can’t even NAME US?
Courage, that is.
Keep that vagueness going so as to demonize those you see in your addled mists of bogeymen. But I point this out – they CLEARLY announced that they were making the petition PUBLIC for all to see at the Zinn Project (named after Prof. Howard Zinn, left-wing enough to be a Communist that wrote “A People’s History of the United States” and basically created the culture of “Hate America First” (emphasis mine from here) – “Pledge to Teach the Truth: Despite New State Bills Against It.”
I went over to the Zinn Project and they are still trying to reach their 6,400 pledge goal (~1,100 short). They do say that “Note: This is a PUBLIC pledge. We will display the name, city/state, and response to question about why you are signing the pledge.”
So, does this make it possible to question both the teachers’ ideology and what they want to bring into our children’s classrooms AND the teacher’s own reading comprehension???
Someone noticed that PUBLIC petition and just decided to repost the names that were voluntarily placed on the petition – again, none of us out here were supposed to notice and then comment on them? And Steve put them up here, here, and here. And of course, NH State Rep Sherry Frost (D) decided that she had to get into the action as well and break her Oath of Office.
What’s even funnier is that NONE of these “Highly Qualified Lawyers (or their investigative surrogates) bother to contact us to ASK US why we took the Zinn Project signatories and put them on GraniteGrok (notice they didn’t BOTHER to list WHOSE online petition Dube signed). Not one. Yet, they make the claim that we said (note the quotes):
pledging to “shame” them
So, they didn’t call us, knock on our doors, send us an email, contact us on social media, or send up smoke signals on that quote. While we do have the word “shame” in our posts I linked to, not ONE of them was in the context of shaming the teachers – most were quoting the notes by the teachers in the “note” sections provided by the petition to allow teachers to explain themselves (and for which we thank them for outing themselves PUBLICLY). An example:
Kate Zimar | Lee, NH
I believe the only way for systemic racism to truly change is through a critical theorists approach to all teaching and learning. This bill is an insult to educators, families, and our youth! Shame on those in power attempting to pass this politically charged bill for no other readon than to maintain the positions in power held by the dominant white culture.
I dryly note the misspelling of “reason” (“readon”) – is that “shaming”, oh most excellent Counselors?
I’ve read through their complaint (albeit very quickly). This will end up being either thrown out the same day or descend into a stretched-out morass of word blithering. Frankly, I think most of the defense can be made from the complaint itself as it is a HORRIBLE mess all up and down it. It is, most certainly, one of the most blatant examples of projection I’ve seen by the Left in quite some time.
No, this is just a self-inclusive Teachers Union, the AFT, that is mindlessly trying to come through on a promise made during the summer to sue anyone one keeping teachers from teaching Critical Race Theory. They also, at the time, did that “first I’m in and then I’m out” game in doing so.
What this comes down to, successful or not, is that TEACHERS have now made is clear here in NH that your kids really aren’t – your children belong to the TEACHERS UNIONS.
Let that sink in for a moment – your elected representatives worked to keep your kids free from discrimination – the teachers and their union are suing over not being able to.
Your turn, Parents – what are you going to do???
Here’s the entire complaint:
AFT HB2 Lawsuit Complaint