Nashua Board of Health Votes in Favor of City-Wide Indoor Mask Mandate

Steve MacDonald

A week after punting on the vote, the Nashua Board of Health met yesterday and voted for a city-wide indoor mask mandate. The useless gesture will now advance to the Board of Alderman for approval and enforcement.

We have low expectations for the outcome.

The Board of Alderman is still top-heavy with COVID-Karens, Covidians, Covidiots, and COVID Cultists. The recommendation will probably slide through that board like you-know-what through a goose.

I predict that Nashua will institute another city-wide indoor mask mandate.


Via email.

On December 14, 2021, a 78-page lawsuit was filed against both the City of Nashua and the State of New Hampshire, Federal docket No. 1-21-cv-001069-001, for requiring people to wear Face-Masks in violation of Federal Law.

Specifically, the City of Nashua and the State of NH cite the CDC as their reasoning and authority for requiring face-coverings. This is grossly inaccurate. Under 21 CFR Chapter 1, sub-chapter H (medical devices), the FDA is the regulatory body that approves safety testing, regulates and administers federal policy for all medical devices. The FDA defines “all” face-masks” as medical devices! This is the reason that the CDC provides ONLY “Guidance” documents, not policy or regulation documents!

Cities and States are citing the wrong federal authority because the FDA does not require or mandate face-coverings!

The Mayor of Nashua, NH, and the Governor of NH are the principal defendants in this case.

Companies that are firing people for not using Face-Mask devices will soon be seeing a flood of lawsuits against them!

Also attached to this Complaint, copies of the US Patents showing that the U.S. Government “Owns the original ” SARS-Coronavirus contagion. Because you cannot Patent anything natural, the original SARS-Coronavirus is a man-made contagion. Much more to talk about, and I will be providing a link for you to view a copy of the lawsuit shortly.


I did not receive the attachments, so I can’t speak to that. What I can do is give you my opinion. While necessary, I do not see this going anywhere. Not anywhere meaningful. The letter of the law has become increasingly irrelevant, and the likelihood that this will produce the desired outcome appears slim to none.

It still needs to happen, and it may lead to other things with more traction.

If you are interested in supporting this endeavor, there is a Go Fund Me to help with legal costs.

 I don’t want to eliminate your ability to wear a face-mask, I only want to return my voice and your’s to wear a face-mask as a personal choice, yes a personal choice! And I believe the science will show that!
     My occupation before retirement was to help people and buildings breath.
     I’m here seeking help to end this breathing dilemma that all of us have faced this past year!
     I am tired of being ignored by the men and women I voted for, and have had enough! I am having a hard time breathing with these mask requirements and the hot-air coming from my Governor and elected officials.
     I am aware that this is a controversial issue, yet I believe the science when presented will clear-up the misconceptions!
As with mask-wearing, supporting lawsuits is also a choice you should be free to make.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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