Nashua Board of Health Punts on Mask Mandate Vote – Keene Pushes One Forward

As we reported yesterday, the Nashua, New Hampshire board of health met to consider, among other things, a city-wide mask mandate. After comments from about a dozen speakers, the Board decided not to decide. ‘Experts in Keene, NH, were not so shy.

Despite a 4-1 margin in opposition to such a mandate, the Keene City Council Planning, Licenses, and Development Committee voted to advance one anyway.

[WMUR] The ordinance would require mask use inside businesses and in common areas of apartment buildings. Children under the age of 10 would be exempt.

Violators would receive verbal and written warnings at first. However, a third offence would carry a fine of $100, with a $250 fine for fourth and subsequent offenses.


Keene has been down this road before, as has Nashua. The political make-up of these cities is pre-disposed to the COVID cult narratives. So, I would be surprised if they found they could not resist hitting the candy-apple red mask-mandate button.

And no, I don’t mean the one that says stop.

P.S. If you’ve not been checking on your own local government, best hop to it especially in places known to mask up at the slightest provocation.

P.S.S. No, masks still don’t do the things to which the COVID cult claims unless you include proof of blind obedience by the healthy who have more to fear from the mandates than the virus.

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