NH Executive Council Is about to Fold like a Cheap Tent and Authorize Abortion Funding

The pressure to fund abortion in New Hampshire has risen after the Executive Council voted 4-1 not to approve new contracts. “Republican” Governor Sununu wants them funded.


CONCORD — Gov. Chris Sununu said Tuesday he is willing to bring back the recently rejected family planning contracts for another vote after learning two of the four Republican executive councilors who voted against the contracts cited insufficient information from the state Department of Health and Human Services as the reason for their vote.


Even if it violates state law?


When Governor Chris Sununu signed HB2, the budget rider bill into law it included a provision that “no state funds shall be used to subsidize abortions, either directly or indirectly.” It requires that state contracts should not be awarded to abortion businesses unless they provide an audit showing that they have physically and financially separated their abortion business from the rest of their services.


Is that the information the councilors are saying is insufficient?  Yes, yes, it is.


He pointed to the new law, which says contracts will be denied if a provider is found to be using state money for abortion services and then refuses to physically separate abortion services to another location. Kenney said he needed “financial documentation” from the department showing the three providers were not commingling funds; the department’s verbal assurances were insufficient.


But Sununu’s Muppets in the AG’s office say it’s all good.


Leon said the Attorney General’s Office reviewed the contracts prior to the meeting and found them to be in compliance with the new state law. And the state Department of Health and Human Services and Attorney General John Formella told councilors during the meeting that state audits, required under a new state law, showed all providers were using only private money — not taxpayer dollars — for abortion services, as is required by state and federal law.


I find it hard to believe there’s actual proof of anything of the sort. I know that Sununu supports the abortion industry whether it hides behind family planning or not. And if there’s enough private money to cover abortion services, why isn’t there enough to pay for family planning?

Pregnancy care centers have managed to survive on a shoestring without taxpayer handouts for decades. Maybe it’s time to expect multi-billion dollar international corporations like Planned Parenthood to do the same.

Prediction: Sununu will bring the contracts up for a revote and he’ll find two Councilors to fold unless you get involved and keep them honest.

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