The Entire Biden Crime Gang Must Be Expelled, Charged, Convicted and Imprisoned.

Steve Earle

On January 20th Biden became President and here at the end of August his record of bad decisions, man-made disasters. violations of the Constitution and Law stands unequaled in world history.

First mistake ( keeping his promise to the delusional environmentalists on the first day) was in shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. It killed ten’s of thousands of jobs directly and indirectly and creating a fuel shortage across half the country and driving up gas prices on everything everywhere. In days, we went from an energy independent oil exporter to a nation dependent to unfriendly suppliers (Remember the oil embargo of the 70s?).

His second move was to undo the Border controls President Trump had ordered enforcing Constitutional Law (another promise Biden had made to the radical Lef)t. The count of illegal immigrants (calling them what they are) is now over a million. Biden and the Left want them to receive stimulus money just like Americans Citizens who suffered in the pandemic job shutdowns and lockdowns. What’s more, the Left wants them all to be able to VOTE.

Another unconstitutional violation.

Biden’s CDC has forced Americans to mask up, told us later that masks don’t work, then later – yes they do. Mixed messages back and forth by the CDC under Biden have done nothing but sow confusion and doubt.

Then the vaccine debate. The Left was adamantly opposed to the Trump untested and unproved vaccines until Biden was sworn in and suddenly everyone must get vaccinated or else. That is, except all those million-plus illegals hundreds tested positive but being transported at government expense all over the country. And they wonder why the rise in cases?

So far Biden and company have violated the Constitution multiple times along with increasing pandemic crimes of all kinds (especially murders in cities controlled by Leftist mayors).

Open Borders has allowed drugs and drug dealers, sex traffickers, and every kind of assorted criminals into the country while Leftist prosecutors refuse to enforce crime laws in their politically correct malfeasance of office.

Top this off with their defund police peer pressure from the domestic terrorist group known as Black Lives Matter despite pleas from honest citizens for more police. (The left is deaf to reason and logic, only power is their goal)

Now we have Afghanistan.

Like everything else Biden has done, he did exactly the opposite of Trump’s plan for a measured withdrawal with American citizens first, Afghan allies and families second, weapons and equipment third, and then the troops under air cover by the Air Force last.

Biden started with troops, thus yielding disaster.

Biden was reportedly warned by our military commanders what was likely to happen but he ignored them.

Eighty billion dollars worth of American arms and equipment is being left behind. Administration spokespersons are trying to tell America that some of our citizens trapped over there are voluntarily choosing to stay there – is there anyone in all the world who believes that?

Monday is the deadline and perhaps some of our retired vets there violating Biden’s orders can somehow manage to sneak our people out before the troops leave?

One last little thing.

Our SCOTUS has ruled against the Biden administration in extending the evection moratorium for renters. Once again Biden’s intent on not following our Laws looking instead to do it his way.

Now if all this does not reach the level of high crimes then there can be nothing that does. Twice the Left sought to impeached President Trump for no identifiable crime but are all now involved in numerous violations of Law and Constitution. This can not be allowed to stand. It’s either us or them time.

The entire Biden crime gang must be expelled, charged, convicted and imprisoned.


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