What is Freedom?

It’s the Fourth of July. The day Americans celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Each and every word in that sacred document was given great thought before it was written and enshrined by our Founding Fathers. The meaning of those words were carefully considered as they defined the foundation of our country and the very fabric of what it meant to be an American. Certain words were capitalized to emphasize their importance, like “Right”, “Life”, and “Liberty”.

But in today’s world, the meaning of words are arbitrarily changed on a daily basis. Words no longer mean the same things to different people. It’s one of the primary reasons we have become a divided nation.

So as you celebrate freedom today, I ask that you consider what freedom means to you… and more importantly what it means to your children and your children’s children. Then ask yourself what it means to your neighbor and even those whose beliefs you oppose.

The word “freedom” – that profound sacred concept we are celebrating today – was not written in the Declaration of Independence. The declaration of our freedom was embodied within the word “Liberty”, which was defined at the time to mean the freedom to do what you desire, but constrained by moral values.

Now consider this… what are the moral values of today that constrain your freedom?

Then define which freedoms you have lost since the founding of our country, and which ones remain for us to celebrate.  Then consider how important it is to get more involved to preserve and restore the freedoms and liberties that we have lost over our lifetimes.

Freedom is not free! Don’t take it for granted or it will soon be gone.

God Bless America!

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