John Robertson Was Prescient: July 4th – Independence Day Canceled.

by Skip

In his Op-Ed for GraniteGrok (“The Birth of a Nation (and the death of another): Juneteenth National Independence Day”), he told us what our future history was going to be:

Why the choice of names? I can only think of one reason — to position itself in contradisinction from and in opposition with that other “Independence Day” that happens just two weeks later…It seems beyond question that this choice of names is quite deliberate, to draw focus away from the birth of our country, away from patriotism, and away from national pride, to refocus it instead on shame, contention, and racial strife, and on the cause of black supremacy.

And a day later, PRESTO!

City that approved reparations program holds Juneteenth, Gay Pride celebrations — but canceled July 4 parade

Evanston, Illinois, the Chicago-suburb that made history this year by officially approving a reparations program, held a public Juneteenth celebration Saturday — but has canceled its July Fourth celebration. 

Evanston commemorated the abolition of slavery with a parade and community celebration on Juneteenth — June 19, the day on which the abolition of slavery is annually celebrated — complete with art, music, and food at a local park. There will also be a Gay Pride parade next Saturday, June 26.

The city, however, has canceled its July 4th live celebration over COVID-19, and has not indicated that it will hold similar festivities to honor America’s birthday.

Juneteenth – the day we can celebrate when Republicans freed Blacks from Democrats’ slavery in the South (heh!).

Subvert our language, subvert our history, subvert our future.  That seems to be our future history. Those of us that are old enough to have received a proper education should be mortified by this – and THAT IS the point that the Left is actively doing.

They want us Normals to feel forgotten, that our recollections don’t matter, that the sacrifice of millions is of no consequence at all – only those self-professed “victims” matter.

That this tiny minority of selfish people, that want to make everything to be about them, have the right to Sovietize our culture with theirs (eg, erase everything they hate and replace our culture with theirs).

This screams inconsistency – the claim is that COVID prevents them from having a July 4th celebration – but these others can proceed? Er, haven’t we been through this excuse before when ALL of us were under house arrest but if you were BLM or Antifa affiliated, you were free to go stand next to anyone; COVID respected ANYONE protesting and would stay away from them.

The Left complains that we no longer a “united” country – they long for the days of the ABC / NBC /CBS only newscasts where we all heard the same things. That our newspapers did the same.

Those days are gone, so now they’ve decided to go after history – if you don’t like it, replace it with their own.

It will be up to the rest of us to keep this American Experiment alive. Only the Good Lord above knows what our teachers are telling our children about our past – as you have seen on GraniteGrok for a while, we see that teachers aren’t liking our American history either. We think our kids are learning what we did – now we see they’re learning what Evanston is teaching.

Sorry, Old Glory, it’s been a good run. Sorry to hear that you just got canceled.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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