Urgent: Take Action Today to Save the Nashua Spending Cap

Former Nashua Alderman-at-Large Dan Moriarty has been fighting to protect the Nashua spending cap. He needs our help to save it.

Related: PSA – Spending Caps and The Rooms and Meals Tax

From Dan’s email:

A couple months ago you all helped SB52 make it through the NH Senate. It’s the bill that seeks to restore spending caps across NH. It will be up for a public hearing on May 17th at the House Committee on Municipal and County Government. Please mark your calenders and sign into the online public hearing link. You don’t have to speak or attend online but you can if you want. It would be great if you would consider either marking yourself in support, submitting written comments, signing up to speak in support or all three.

Email your written testimony in support of SB52 to the committee at HouseMunicipalandCountyGovt@leg.state.nh.us. When emailing your testimony, it is important to include your full name and city or town.

To sign in support of the bill or to sign up to testify remotely, follow these instructions:

  1. Visit the House Committee Remote Sign-in Sheet.
  2. In the calendar click on Monday, May 17.
  3. From “Select the Committee” choose House Municipal and County Government
  4. From “Choose the Bill” select 9:00 am – SB52.
  5. From “I am” choose A Member of the Public.
  6. For “Indicate Your Position on this Bill” check I Support this Bill.
  7. For “Testify”, if you wish to testify check I Wish to Speak on this Bill.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Fill in your Personal Information.
  10. Click Continue.
  11. Verify the summary represents your selections and check By clicking this checkbox…
  12. Click Continue.

On Monday morning at 9:00 am, you can watch the hearing or join the Zoom call to testify as follows:


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