Greta ThunBorg – Threatens to Ruin Dems ‘Legacy’ If They Don’t Do What She Says

I used to call her muppet-Greta because she was a child who read scripts written by her father and some climate activist dude. Now that Time Magazine’s Person of the year is 18, she’s still a muppet, but she’s graduated to Borg. Greta Thunborg. Another climate cult collectivist.

But not much else has changed.

Our little Swedish Veruka Salt is still working the how dare you schtick, and she took time out of her busy little-climate agitator life to conference call a US House Committee.

“You still have time to do the right thing and to save your legacies, but that window of time is not going to last for long,” Thunberg said. “We the young people are the ones who are going to write about you in the history books …So my advice for you is to choose wisely.”

Well, that’s just great, but where’s the version where she Zooms the Chinese National People’s Congress? They are the biggest polluters on the planet.

Related: Bronze Statue of Greta Thunberg Mimics Green Movements Messed Up Priorities

Then there’s India’s Lok Sabha (the lower chamber) which could use a good tongue lashing about its emissions. When she’s done there, most of Africa could use a chat-up as well.

The lot of them have the worst to offer, and the planet the most to gain were our little borgling to direct her creepy powers of persuasion at them.

But no, skip the low-hanging fruit and go right for the jugular of the largest, most prosperous free-market economy on the planet. The one that simultaneously became the worlds leading exporter of fossil fuels during a historical economic boom while lowering CO2 emissions.

It’s almost as if this has nothing to do with emissions and everything to do with economics?

That’s right, it does.

The Thunborg has been tasked by the collective with assimilating America. Poison the well of prosperity. Make them more like the sick man of Europe.

Ironically the subject appears to have been on cutting any tax breaks for fossil fuels. Translation: people who legally make energy cheap and abundant should pay more taxes than other people.

They pretend that’s a subsidy which is ironic.

Green energy, which is at least as dirty if not more, certainly more in countries other than the US where all their energy is dirtier, can’t compete without subsidies. The government needs to take other people’s money and give it to green energy so that it can then claim to be affordable for people who’ve already “paid for it” whether they want to or not.

Then there’s Greta ThunBorg, whose entire public life is backstopped by other people’s fiscal emissions, which given her trajectory, appears to be how she will spend her entire adult life. With that trajectory, as Ace notes here, why are they still dressing her up like a child?

No free money for big girl clothes?

That’s all about optics if I had to guess. The squeaky “kid” desperate to save the planet for her generation. Sure. The generation that doesn’t know which bathroom to use?

Also, the one that doesn’t realize that the politics driving the climate movement is far more dangerous to them and the planet than America or affordable, abundant energy.

But if she thinks appealing to politicians’ legacy will work, well, she’s right, except that they’ll do it anyway because they can’t afford to not take as much money from as many people (as often) as possible.

And ironically (again), that will include Greta, green energy, and everyone else. You eventually run out of other people’s money.

Governments like that inevitably eat their “young” before they eat themselves.

Thunborg may even find she needs to work someday to put food on her table.

I know; how dare you!

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