Greta Thunberg is a Serial Plagiarist or We’ve Discovered Her Muppet Masters

I like to call Greta Thunberg a Muppet, well, not just her. The left has hordes of them. Puppets repeating the words of political elites. Paid protesters holding signs on whose meaning they have no clue. David Hogg. But back to our inspired environmental activist and her ghostwriters.

Related: Eco-Darling Greta Thunberg Should Run as a Democrat for the New Hampshire House

Because they are putting a whole new spin on “can you hear the “eco?”

According to Extinction Clock, your source for credible predictions of doom, Facebook made an oopsie. It allowed someone to unmask the original authors of content attributed to Muppet Greta.


Adarsh Prathap as Greta Thunberg

There is nothing either wrong or surprising about this. Only an idiot would believe (then or still) that she is writing her public remarks for delivery to social media or the UN. She’s a Muppet. A child trafficked in socialist environmental doomsaying. A prop. But who the heck is Adarsh Prathap?

Greta Oil everywhereAccording to LinkedIn, he is a Global Regional Coordinator at Youth Engaged in Wetlands. Principal Investigator of Revive Vellayani Project. And a big fan of the UN.

Youth Engaged in Wetlands is “an international youth team committed to the conservation, protection, and wise-use of wetlands. YEW provides a global platform for young people to enable and empower them to help protect promote our wetlands.”

He’s a Green Energy player with UN connections. A stakeholder in the economic swindle that is th3 socialist Globalist environmental assault on the West.

The other culprit is more predictable. Her father. Svante Thunberg. Helping little Greta with her homework. 

The teacher frowns on that, assuming your child is even expected to homework.

Svante Thunberg as Greta Thunburg

If not his best, then perhaps his most well-known performance? Now that we know.

Does this mean Time has to revoke the person of the year award?

And talk about peaking in High School, and she’s not even going.

| ExtinctionClock

Note: An earlier version of this post had the images swapped. This has been corrected to correlate the screen shots with the authors indicated in the text.

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