Summing Up Democrat Proclamations vs Democrat Actions - Granite Grok

Summing Up Democrat Proclamations vs Democrat Actions

Enterprise vs Borg FI

Most of us know about the USS Enterprise and the Starfleet that built her. Yes, a television show several times over with movies as well. But Starfleet, and the Enterprise’s mission, besides “To go where no man has gone before” has always been about the BEST of humanity; peace, understanding, helpfulness, and the like.

Sidenote: Glad to see that the SJW Woke-ists have left that phrase alone – so far.

But there tinges of other stuff as well (top-down command, little private property…) but not bad. After all, Rodenberry was a science fiction writer of repute before establishing the franchise. ALL good science fiction requires dreaming up not just rockets, starships, and galaxy-wide travel but world systems and political philosophies that “rule” their “Universe creations.”

And the writings stem from that foundation.

Democrats often portray themselves as the bringers of a New World, a New Way, of fantastical claims of universal prosperity. That’s their words.

Then there’s the reality of it all in their actions:

Democrat Borg

Always remember that it is the Democrats that said at their convention: ‘Government is the thing that we all belong to.’ Gosh, the Borg said that we would all be assimilated as well.

Is that what all good Socialist Democrats become, the Borg? After all, their “diversity” is only skin deep – EVERYone must think exactly the same. Every time. Just ask them what they think about Conservatives and Libertarians.

OK, I’ll save you the effort – we’re evil because anything we say or do is EVIL. Only their groupthink is ok to be a part of.

Think I’m kidding?  Ask AOC, the Squad, any Democrat Socialist, SJW, people from Wokeistan, WMUR (but I repeat myself).

