Will Democrats Love Richard Spencer Now That He’s Voting for Joe Biden?

The Left has been ranting about Richard Spencer and Trump supporters for years. Spencer “is an unapologetic neo-Nazi (who) thinks Haitians should be re-enslaved and that racial minorities should be removed from America.” He’s also voting for Biden and the entire Democrat ticket.

Related: Democrats Aren’t Interested in Freeing People. They are About Finding New Paths to Slavery

So we are clear, he is not voting for any Republicans. And we’re not talking about Richard Spencer, the former secretary of the US Navy. We are referring to the White-Supremacist Democrats have been naming alongside Mr. Trump. So, what are the leftists to do?

His endorsement could influence white-supremacy, neo-national-Socialists who will lean toward the nominee of their Democrat Socialist brethren. Votes are votes, right? Will Spencer he become he who shall not be named? Will everyone get the memo? Might they denounce him for this or something or whatever?

Political Dispensation?

Maybe Spencer is just cozying up so he can get the group discount. That’s when a group gathers to ‘protest’ and does not have to follow the local virus socialism requirements even though both Spencer and Democrats are advancing similar forms of socialism.

If he votes for Biden, can they skip all this masking and distancing crap? Well, other than the performance art street-theater masks, they will still want to wear those.

And what will Antifa think about this? They are, according to their own statements, antifascists. For those not playing along at home, these are communists, and they are only anti-fascist because the “fascist” means of control do not go far enough. Note that the tactics to get from here to there are the same. indistinguishable, actually.

So, if he’s all-in on Biden Richard Spencer would have no use for any candidate that would promote foundational Republican or Constitutional Principles. Any messaging to the contrary would be nonsense. The same applies to Republicans who support Biden.

But National Socialists(neo-Nazi-types) like Spencer’s crowd are kissing cousins to the Marxists running the Democrat party. A party that only cares about your sex, race, or gender if you support their politics.

Spencer is doing that.

And I doubt we’ll hear much about this on the news. No one pretending to be a Journalist in New Hampshire will ever ask a single Democrat to remark on the matter.

But imagine if Richard Spencer said he was voting for Trump and Republican up and down the ticket? You’d never hear the end of it. Like the Charlottesville lies which the left cannot let go; that Trump said white supremacists were fine people. The President was referring to the people who were not with Richard Spencer.

I guess the next question is this? Are there any very fine people in the Democrat party who will denounce Richard Spencer’s open endorsement of Joe Biden. You know, just separate the Democrat Socialist wheat from the National Socialist chaff.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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