If You Think That the Wuflu Lockdowns Have Been Bad for Company Bankruptcies, You Ain’t Seen Nuttin’ Yet.

by Skip

There is no one, no one group or even “groups of groups” that could effectively handle the billions of economic decisions that are made daily (or even hourly) by the 320 million residents of America.

We’ve seen the hubris of knowledge by those that believe “they are the ones we’ve been waiting for” to make it work. Sorry, paleface, many of us would rebel before that because we’ve been waiting for no one to tell us what we can or cannot do.

*I* know better what is best for me and my family at a given instant of time and there is no way that these Central Planners have any insights into that.

Adam Smith pointed out that no one plans the enormously complex network of cooperative interactions that leads from the miner who mines the ore that becomes the shepherd’s shears to the shepherd to the wool cloth manufacturer to the urban worker’s wool coat. Nor does anyone plan the network of production, exchange, and distribution that brings every sort of footwear that anyone in your city might want to wear to some outlet in (or virtually in) your city. Such chains of coordination arise through a multitude of individually planned actions; but the chains as a whole and the larger networks of such chains are not intended by, and could not be successfully planned by, anyone.

-Eric Mack (Libertarianism)

But I’m betting that the new Xiden and Commie Kamala, plus the Socialists now running Congress, are going to try their hardest to prove themselves wrong again – and we all will suffer for it.

As Steve just said “Jan 20, 2021 – Take a Few Notes for ‘Posterity’ (Price of Gas, Food, Etc.)“; do so to see how much of a miserable job they will have done in the next few years.

If you think that the WuFlu lockdowns have been bad for company bankruptcies, you ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.

In 2022, ask yourself: who chose for you – you or the Government?

(H/T: Cafe Hayek)

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